The Montauk CBC was held last Saturday (19 Dec 2009) and as with other
counts that day, was cut short by the afternoon snowstorm. Even so, an
intrepid band of 22 observers covered this large and diverse count circle,
tallying 17,958 individuals of 109 species. Highlights included an
adult/near adult male King Eider off Montauk Point, a jaeger sp. (likely
Pomarine) from a seawatch in Amagansett, a 1-winter Nelson's Gull on Fort
Pond in Montauk, the continuing Lesser Black-backed Gull on the shore of
Fort Pond Bay, a good showing of 27 Black-legged Kittiwakes, a Palm Warbler
in Montauk, Yellow-breasted Chat in Amagansett, and a Baltimore Oriole
visiting fruiting junipers in Clearwater, Springs. Counters also tallied 686
Red-throated and 397 Common Loons underscoring the importance of this area
as a wintering site for loons and other marine waterfowl. Common Eider
remained widespread (920 total) and were found in all count territories.

Unfortunately, the Sagaponack count, planned the following day, had to be
canceled because of the storm. Aside from the obvious safety considerations,
the accumulation of wind blown snow left most of the birding sites virtually

Our thanks to all those who participated or at least offered to before the
bad weather became a reality. Let's hope the conditions are better next

Angus Wilson & Hugh McGuinness

Angus Wilson
New York City & The Springs, NY, USA


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