This is a summary of the Birdline reports for the week ending January 27, 2010

Report your sightings in the Hudson-Mohawk Region to

First one correction: The Double-crested Cormorant reported last week 
has now been identified from photographs as a Great Cormorant.

Fifty species were reported this week.

The most interesting were:
GREATER SCAUP: Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/27.
BLACK VULTURE: Hudson 1/25 (2).
MERLIN: Brunswick 1/26.
ICELAND GULL: Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/21(2), 1/22 (2), 1/23 (3), 1/25 
(3), 1/26, 1/27 (2).
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL: Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/27.
SHORT-EARED OWL: Saratoga Battlefield 1/21 (4), 1/24 (3); Coxsackie 
Grasslands 1/23.
NORTHERN SHRIKE: Five Rivers 1/21; Coxsackie 1/23, 1/25; Saratoga 
Battlefield 1/24.
LAPLAND LONGSPUR: Valley Falls 1/22.
SNOW BUNTING: Valley Falls 1/22.
RED CROSSBILL: Burnt - Rossman Hills SF 1/24 (2).

Other highlights:

Ring-necked Duck: Stillwater 1/21 (~12).

Wild Turkey: Sharon Springs 1/24 (17).

Bald Eagle: Schuylerville 1/21; Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/23 (2); 
4-mile Point 1/23; Spier Falls 1/26 (2); Cohoes 1/27 (chased by a 
Herring Gull !)

Northern Harrier: Coxsackie Grasslands 1/21 (12), 1/23; Coxsackie 
Boat Launch 1/23, 1/26.

Cooper's Hawk: Sharon Springs 1/24.

Rough-legged Hawk: Fort Edward 1/21; Coxsackie Grasslands 1/21 (3), 
1/23, 1/26; 4-mile Point 1/23.

American Kestrel: Coxsackie 1/23, 1/25.

Eastern Screech-Owl: 4-mile Point 1/23.

Great Horned Owl: New Baltimore 1/25.

Northern Flicker: Saratoga Battlefield 1/24.

Eastern Phoebe: New Salem 1/24.

Horned Lark: Fort Edward 1/21; Valley Falls 1/22; Coxsackie 
Grasslands 1/21 (30), 1/26 (30).

Brown Creeper: Voorheesville 1/24 (4); Max Shaul SP 1/24; Saratoga 
Battlefield 1/24.

Carolina Wren: Rotterdam 1/24 (2).

Eastern Bluebird: Mechanicville 1/21; Saratoga Battlefield 1/24.

Northern Mockingbird: Five Rivers 1/21.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (compiler), Dave Baim (New Salem), Gerry 
Colborn (Cohoes), Sarah Conley (Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/23, Coxsackie 
Grasslands 1/23), Bernie Grossman (Rexford), Rich Guthrie (Coxsackie 
Boat Launch 1/23, 1/27, Coxsackie Grasslands 1/23), Nancy Kern 
(Saratoga Battlefield 1/21, Fort Edward, Stillwater, Schuylerville, 
Mechanicville, Stuyvesant), Jory Langner (Saratoga Battlefield 1/24, 
Five Rivers), Bill Lee (Saratoga Battlefield 1/21, Stillwater 1/21, 
Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/21, 1/25, Coxsackie 1/25, New Baltimore 
1/25), Steve Mesick (Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/23, 4-mile Point 1/23), 
Curt Morgan (Valley Falls), Marne Onderdonk (Saratoga Battlefield 
1/24), John Ozard (Voorheesville), Bob Ramonowski (Schenectady), Will 
Raup (Coxsackie 1/23), Brad Walker (Brunswick), Tom Williams (Max 
Shaul SP, Sharon Springs, Burnt - Rossman Hills SF), Chad Witko 
(Coxsackie Boat Launch 1/21, 1/22, 1/26, Coxsackie Grasslands 1/21, 
1/26), Will Yandik (Hudson, Livingston) and 2 anonymous contributors 
(Rotterdam, Spier Falls).


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