Champlain, NY; several areas in Adirondack Park; Fort Edwards Grasslands 15-17 

Andrew Baksh, Joe Giunta, Sam Jannazzo and I (Sy Schiff) met at the NORTHERN 
HAWK OWL site in Champlain, NY. The owl arrived 5 minutes after we came, and 
almost immediately dropped down to the ground, then came up landed in a tree 
closer to the road and nearer to us. It had caught a small mammal and proceeded 
to eat it while we watched. We are still analyzing the photos to determine what 
it caught.

On the way to Plattsburg, where we spent the night of the 15th, we birded along 
the way while going to the Port Kent Ferry to check the waterfowl on Lake 
Champlain. At one of the stops, we heard the unmistakable call of a 

Making use of the internet and cell phones, we found out about a NORTHERN 
SHRIKE at the Hawk Owl site. So, in the morning of the 16th, we returned and 
found both the shrike and the owl. We then drove to Paul Smiths. At the visitor 
center, we found numbers of birds at the feeders. But there and on the trail we 
covered, we saw no Adirondack specialtys. However, we did learn of a home with 
feeders. More later.

Next stop was Bloomingdale Bog, starting at the NW side. We walked a 
considerable distance and found a large mixed group of foraging birds that 
included one BOREAL CHICKADEE and two PINE SISKIN. We drove to the SE side, and 
entered (not without getting lost on the way). After walking through an area 
where beavers were at work, we came to an area with extensive woodpecker holes 
in dead trees in a bog. We also had fleeting glimpses of woodpeckers believed 
to be Black-backed.

Making arrangements to visit the feeders mentioned above on the next morning 
(the 17th), we were met along the way by the gracious host, who had us follow 
him to his house, invited us in for coffee and viewing. The EVENING GROSBEAKS 
arrived right on time along with a hoard of birds. Leaving our hosts, we drove 
to the Newcomb Visitor Center. As at Paul Smiths, there were numerous birds. 
Here we saw more EVENING GROSBEAKS and a number of beautiful PURPLE FINCHES.

Birds seen from the cars while driving in the Adirondacks included BARRED OWL, 

Coming down I87 on the way home, we stopped at the Fort Edwards Grasslands. 
While still light, we saw dark and light phase ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS, Red-tailed 
Hawks and EASTERN BLUEBIRDS. At dusk (approx. 5:25 PM), a Northern Harrier 
appeared along with 3 SHORT-EARED OWLS.

There were no reliable reports of Gray Jay anywhere, the only target bird we 
missed. Total trip driving mileage from LI and back was est. at 950 miles.



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