Date: Sunday, 7 March 2010 (10:00a-12:30p)
Location: East River Park & Stuyvesant Cove
Reported by: Ben Cacace

Tried to bird along the East River from the Lower East Side in East River
Park to Stuyvesant Cove around 23rd St. Very little activity along the
river. The most active birding was round the cove where there were RUDDY
DUCKS, RED-BREASTED MERGANSERS & BRANT. The southern half of East River Park
is under construction. Access to the water can be had well north of the
Williamsburg Bridge around the latitude of 6th St.

For those interested in seeing images of the One Fifth Ave. nesting
RED-TAILED HAWKS mentioned in a recent post from Alex Wilson here's a link
to Lincoln's shots from Saturday:

All photos taken by LINCOLN KARIM.

Weather for 7-Mar for Central Park (9:51a-12:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Clear
- Temperature: 45.0 to 52.0 F (+7.2 to +11.1 C)
- Wind direction: West - WNW
- Wind speed: 9 - 10 mph (gusts to 20 mph)

** Total species - 17 **

'Fairly Common' usually seen; 3-12 per day in habitat [3 spp]:
- Red-breasted Merganser - Pair (m/f) in Stuyvesant Cove
- Downy Woodpecker - 1 heard near Amphitheatre in East River Park
- Northern Mockingbird - Pair in East River Park with one singing

'Common' seen easily; more than 12 per day in habitat [14 spp]:
- Brant - 15+ along the East River in 2 groups of 4 & 11
- Canada Goose - 2+
- Mallard - 2+
- Ruddy Duck - 16+ incl. 6 in Stuyvesant Cove & 10 across river
- Double-crested Cormorant - 2+
- Ring-billed Gull - 36+
- Herring Gull - 6+
- Great Black-backed Gull - 12+
- Rock Pigeon - 50+
- Mourning Dove - 2+
- American Crow - 1 heading S from Stuyvesant Cove
- American Robin - 2 in East River Park
- European Starling - 12+
- House Sparrow - 12+

Abundance categories from 'The New York City Audubon Society Guide to
Finding Birds in the Metropolitan Area' published 2001. Abundance season is
'Spring', March - May, and applies to all of New York City.


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