Betsy Potter and I led the Lake Ontario Plain field trip for the Buffalo
Ornithological Society today.  This trip explores the region  near Lake
Ontario in eastern Niagara and western Orleans Counties.  At our last
scheduled stop before returning to the meeting place to disband (around
3:00), we found a BARNACLE GOOSE!  This bird was in the field that held a
White-fronted Goose and 79 Cackling Geese earlier this month.  The field is
in the southwest quadrant of Somerset-Hartland Townline Road and Johnson
Creek Road in the Town of Hartland, Niagara County.  Today, there were still
a lot of Canada Geese here (viewed from Johnson Creek Road) and a few
hundred NORTHERN PINTAIL, as well as numbers of GREEN-WINGED TEAL, BLACK
DUCKS, AMERICAN WIGEONS, and MALLARDS.  Besides the Barnacle Goose, there
was also a Canada Goose-domestic hybrid.  The Barnacle Goose appeared to be
unbanded, although heat distortion made confirming this difficult.  

The location is roughly ten miles as the goose flies northeast of
Ring-necked Marsh at Iroquois NWR, where the Barnacle Goose was seen last
week.  As far as I am aware, there have been no reports of the Iroquois
Barnacle Goose since last Sunday.  It will be interesting to hear if that
bird was seen today.  Although I do not think the geese need to range that
far from Ring-necked Marsh to find food (corn stubble fields are
ubiquitous), perhaps the Iroquois bird and the Canada Geese it hangs out
with have pushed just a little further  north in preparation for their
eventual trip to northern breeding grounds.  Or, perhaps this is another
bird.  By the way, before this spring, the last Barnacle Goose sighting that
I recall in the Region was roughly ten years ago in the Iroquois area, so
they are very infrequent here.

Good birding!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Wilson, NY


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