It was a very good day along the lake, despite the wild weather (perhaps because of it). Betsy and I tallied 20 species of warblers with lots of individuals, including 14 species in our yard. The Chat was at Wilson-Tuscarora SP. To try for this bird, take the main entrance road to the parking lots near the boat ramp at the end. Take the trail that leads south. Continue straight ahead (i.e. stay to the right) at the first fork, which comes up shortly. Ignore the next trail on the right and the next trail on the left - continue straight ahead. About 50 yards after that trail on the left, the path is completely covered with water and mud. The YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT was here, in the thick stuff on the right side. It sang several times but despite much effort, we never saw it. Note that there is a Catbird here as well, which may sound superficially similar. We also looked again for the SNOWY EGRET but could not find it (see my post from yesterday for directions).
The ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER was on the east side of Four Mile Creek SP. The WILSON'S PHALAROPE was a female with three LESSER YELLOWLEGS. It was on the south side of Somerset-Hartland Townline Rd, a little west of Johnson Creek Rd, in the Town of Hartland. This is the same field that has had Barnacle Goose, White-fronted Goose, American Golden-Plover, and a very early White-rumped Sandpiper, all in this spring. Be sure to look from both roads - there are several puddles. Two male ORCHARD ORIOLES were in the apple tree over our deck! Our warbler list: Tennessee 2 ORANGE-CROWNED 1 Nashville 7 No. Parula 3 Yellow many Chestnut-sided 3 Magnolia 2 CAPE MAY 5(!) Black-throated Blue 5 Yellow-rumped many Black-throated Green 3 Blackburnian 3 Pine 1 Palm 4 Black-and-white 4 Am. Redstart 2 Ovenbird 1 No. Waterthrush 1 Common Yellowthroat 5 YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT 1 Good birding! Willie ---------------- Willie D'Anna Betsy Potter Wilson, NY -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --