Inspired by Andy Baldelli's exploits down in Virginia, I visited Democrat Pt. 
(Fire Island Inlet) and Cupsogue (Moriches Inlet) today, in search of Arctic 
Terns--and found an adult at Cupsogue on the rising tide. Photos can be seen at:

Earlier, at Democrat Pt., I saw my first Sooty Shearwater and Black Tern of the 
season, and counted 13 Roseate Terns resting among Common Terns (other Roseates 
were visible or audible over the inlet and ocean at all times, also. Only two 
of the 13 were banded. A young Lesser Black-backed Gull was also present.

A seawatch at Cupsogue with Patricia Lindsay, Tom Burke, and Gail Benson 
yielded about a dozen Sooty Shearwaters and at least one adult light morph 
Parasitic Jaeger.  There were decent numbers of shorebirds at Cupsogue, but I 
thought the numbers at nearby Pikes Beach were paltry for the date. A first 
summer Lesser Black-backed Gull was present at Pikes. Pat saw an "Acadian" 
Nelson's Sparrow among half a dozen Saltmarsh Sparrows and a few Seasides at 

Tom and Gail kept up the seawatching after we left, and at Shinnecock Inlet 
they saw a Manx Shearwater and a Little Gull, among other species. During an 
earlier stint at Shinnecock they had seen an immature Black-legged Kittiwake, 
and, earlier still, a young male Blue Grosbeak at the DEC bikepath along Rte. 
51 in Eastport, Suffolk County. They searched for but did not see the 
previously reported Wilson's Plover at Sagaponack.

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore

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