Central Park & Riverside Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Clearly there has been a great flight ongoing so far this week with  
Sunday, 17 October having many birds on the move, including overnight  
from Saturday night into Sunday as well as a fairly good diurnal  
flight that encompassed much of the region, in New York City and Long  
Island & much of the northeast thru mid-Atlantic.  Essentially this  
was a very broad continental cold front.  By Monday night and Tuesday  
morning, a "blocking" weather system with rain had worked in from the  
west lying immediately south of Long Island and especially just south  
of much of New York City, which contributed to a fall-out of some  
proportion for Tuesday, perhaps not quite "historic" in nature but  
still very notable in terms of sheer numbers of a wide variety of  
species including many nocturnal migrants and even some that are also  
diurnal migrators.  The city parks were alive with tens of thousands  
of birds, many feeding low or on the ground, on Tuesday and that  
continued well into the day if not through the entire day in a busy,  
heavily-used, bustling place as Central Park in Manhattan.  The  
spectacle was notable and was noticed to at least a small extent even  
by non-birders out & about.  There was also a significant fall-out in  
the most urban areas of city streets and avenues, as seen in street  
trees and small patches of shrubbery around buildings.  This could  
have been the largest such movement this autumn of this kind in the  
city of New York but only time will tell. Also I can't speak to the  
flights that occurred in the 3 weeks up to this Sunday, as I only know  
what was to be found in the central Amazonian regions of Brazil at  
that time: a whole lot of birds and much more!

Monday, 18 October 2010 -

An Orange-crowned Warbler (Riverside Park perimeter wall area near W.  
109 Street) was the highlight for semi-rarity but there were many,  
many other birds in Riverside Park as well.

At Central Park another good morning movement which included a great  
flight of Purple Finch, hundreds of which poured through mostly  
continuing on in the first 90 minutes of daylight.

There also were ongoing movements of such typical mid-fall movers as  
Wood Duck, raptors including Sharp-shinned & Cooper's Hawk, Red- 
shouldered Hawk (2) and a few "extra" Red-tailed hawks (beyond the  
ones which have likely been around the area thru the months or  
years),  and such land-birds as Yellow-bellied Sapsucker,  N. [Yellow- 
shafted] Flicker, Eastern Phoebe (in reduced numbers), Blue Jay  
(many), Blue-headed Vireo (also reduced), Tree Swallow (high overhead  
as seems typical viewed from here in fall), Black-capped Chickadee  
(migrants), Brown Creeper (substantial movement), Ruby-crowned (many)  
and Golden-crowned (fewer) Kinglets, Winter Wren (many), Hermit Thrush  
(abundant), Swainson's Thrush (2), Wood Thrush (one seen well, not all  
that late but uncommon by now), American  Robin (many migrants),  
Eastern Bluebird (several fly-bys at Central Park), Gray Catbird (much  
reduced), Brown Thrasher (also reduced), American Pipit (small numbers  
& not easy to spot amongst all the other species except when low &  
calling typically), Cedar Waxwing (many), and at least these warblers:

Cape May (5, 4 of these in the area of the Pinetum (west & east) with  
elms and other deciduous trees (and not really visiting the pine  
trees, as has been the case with previous sightings), Northern Parula,  
Black-throated Green (3+), Black-thraoted Blue (2 males & 2 or more  
females), Palm (mainly "Eastern/Yellow") & Pine (few) Warblers, Myrtle  
[Yellow-rumped] Warbler (many, but probably less of a flight than in  
days before), Common Yellowthroat (2), Nashville Warbler (1 in Central  
Park's wildflower meadow), Wilson's Warbler (bright individual &  
perhaps the western-breeding form which is more likely as the season  
progresses to winter, this one in the area at the perimeter wall of  
the park between W. 100 & 103 Streets, which is west of The Pool), &  
Northern Waterthrush (along the small steam sometimes dubbed with the  
name of a wooden bridge from which the water flows, the "triplets"  
bridge near & northeast of West 77 Street's park entry ramp, and a  
fairly good place to check for late-season lingerers at the turn of  
the seasons, and -

Sparrows of at least 9 species including an (first of season for me)  
"Eastern" / 'Red' Fox Sparrow (at Riverside Park), & Eastern Towhee,  
Savannah, Song, Swamp, Chipping, Field, Lincoln's (1), White-throated  
(thousands throughout the 2 parks & beyond), & White-crowned (several  
noted) Sparrows, along with Slate-colored Juncos in numbers, Rusty  
Blackbird (several in the Loch, as well as a few seen foraging for a  
while in grassy areas, where more often not seen), Indigo Bunting (3),

and as noted at top of this paragraph set, at least 150, likely many  
more, Purple Finch moving through in the first 90+ minutes of light,  
along with a great many American Goldfinch & a few (heard ONLY) likely  
Pine Siskins, in with all those other finches.  (speaking of finches  
some of you are aware that a number of more boreal-associated finch  
species are being found in areas not all that far north of N.Y. City  
although we might watch the reports on how extensive, if it is, this  
potential irruption becomes for us "southerners"). The above is a  
partial listing.

Tuesday, 19 October -

The birds lingering in Central Park were as numerous and likely more  
so, with in some areas, actually many areas, a concentration of such  
species as Kinglets (each of our 2 species) in numbers ranging upwards  
of two per square meter of ground & over a total viewed (at one time)  
area of 100 square meters or more.  This was seen over & over again  
and for a variety of passerine species including also Hermit Thrush,  
White-throated Sparrow & several more - in plainer language, there  
were many, many thousands of migrants present in the park on this day  
and the very high level of activity was ongoing thru the day, although  
most feverish in early morning and until mid-day. The flight was also  
interesting with a lot of birds moving both south & north in the  
earlier hours and then seemingly more consistently south-southwest in  
afternoon hours. I did not see or hear the same high densities of  
finches as had been 24 hours earlier but there certainly were still  
some Purple and American Goldfinch moving through.  At the feeders in  
the Ramble it did not seem that all that many birds had yet noticed  
the "freebies" and in part, that could simply be that a lot of natural  
food is still easily available.  On this day it was as much fun just  
looking at behaviors and seeing sheer numbers rather than seeking out  
individual species in all the many parts of the parks. In some  
neighborhoods there were a lot of passerine migrants out in street  
trees and plantings again, as the day began...

Wednesday, 20 October -

The overall activity seemed reduced, even greatly reduced and yet  
there were still many thousands of migrants present throughout, adding  
emphasis to the extremely high numbers seen earlier in the week.  I  
noted one Rusty Blackbird at the Loch although perhaps others were  
about, & I did not get into the Ramble area or south this day.  I  
spent some time in the north end's Conservatory Garden where as of  
Wednesday a good many flowers that could be utilized by any  
hummingbirds (none seen on this day) were still in good shape... bears  

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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