Thursday, 21 October, 2010

A brightly-plumaged PROTHONOTARY Warbler has been discovered as of mid- day today next to the front facade and plantings of the main branch of the New York Public Library, at 41 Street and Fifth Avenue in mid-town Manhattan, New York City. The warbler, seemingly rather unfazed (to some extent) by all the city bustle everywhere around it, has been seen especially just to the left (if facing the library with one's back to Fifth Avenue) of the large & well-known statues of the library lions - in the shrubberies & flowers, as well as coming out on bare earth & even several times or more onto the stone with various birders and many other city-goers all around, above and amongst other birds including more than a few White-thraoted Sparrows as well as more typical city dwellers as feral introduced Rock Pigeons & House Sparrows. The Prothonotary was seen by well over a dozen birders as of 3 p.m. and more folks were continuing to arrive to look for it in that area. It does not appear to be an adult male as I had first thought on an initial look, and it would be interesting to be able to look at any photos rtaken to try & judge whether it might have any apparent visible injuries. By behavior it is feeding well but it's open to question whether bagels & scones & scraps of sandwiches are a good diet for a wood-warbler normally attracted to wooded swampy habitats... This bird was at least briefly said to have gone to or towards the 42 Street side of Fifth Ave. by the library building's plantings, but has been mainly south of the front main entrance as of 3 p.m. and before, since it was first found in mid-day. It initially was also seen very close to 40 Street & Fifth Avenue. This is all easy enough to walk & it would be best to coordinate effort with any other birders present. The bird has been habitually appearing just left of the main steps in what seems to be a slightly quieter "corner" of the shrub & flower plantings, where there is a bit more visibility for observation.

A great find - the young man who discovered this is an employee of the New York Public Library there, and has seen many other species in the surrounding Bryant Park although this species is definitely a first for that list!

If the bird continues to be seen through the day & especially if seen early on Friday, reports should be posted so that others might have an opportunity to view the unusual mid-town (as well as late-season) urban visitor.

Good luck,

Tom Fiore,


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