I think most of us here know that this Prothonotary will probably die
of exposure and malnutrition.  This is a fate that is the destiny of
most of the very late fall vagrants - those Ash-throated Flycatchers
aren't going to turn around and make it back to the desert southwest -
and in some rare cases actually documented (that dead Western Tanager
in NJ that was found a few winters back).

Like the Scott's Oriole, this bird is being an opportunistic
scavenger.  The lay public aren't going to know any better so will
treat it like a sparrow.  Any birder or photographer who thinks that
bread forms any part of normal Prothonotary diet is a total idiot.
Any photographer that is using bread to lure the Prothonotary out is a
self-centered moron.  Go and pick up the bread.  Block the
photographer's shot. Tell them to go to a pet store and get some suet.
 Above all, don't play nice, because a photographer that acts like
that is thinking only of themselves.  Try and educate them if you
want, but I advocate more immediate negative feedback.

I personally doubt this bird has much chance, but if it is going to
have any, it's going to have to get a better diet.

Phil Jeffrey


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3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L

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