The goose Bonanza continued this morning in the Black dirt region of Orange 
County.  I went directly to the Camel Farm this morning where I immediately 
located eight (8) Greater White-fronted Geese!  The birds were in my opinion 
two family groups of four.  There were four adults and four immatures.  Two 
immatures seemed to accompany each set of adults as the roamed about.  None of 
the birds went to far before all eight combined again.  I called Rob Stone who 
was also out, to update him on the birds.  He informed me he had just left two 
GWFG at the golf course.  I zoomed right over to find two adult birds.  On my 
way back, I stopped at the Turf Nursery where I found one immature bird.  When 
I called Rob back, he informed me he found yet another GWFG!  We had twelve in 
all this morning, all within a couple of miles of each other. Just to be sure, 
I went back to the Camel Farm where I again found eight birds right near the 
road this time.  I was able to get some identifiable pics of the birds.  If 
(12) isn't a record for Greater White-fronted Goose in New York, I will be 
surprised.  If you want to see this species, now is the time and Orange County 
is the place.  As for the other species, I saw at least 8,000 Canada Geese 
between all the locations I birded this morning.  The huge flock of Snow Geese 
continues, but are even farther from the road (Mission Lands Road) then the 
last two days. They did flush again, flying overhead briefly before returning 
to the same field where they are frustratingly distant.  One other note, I 
again saw the hybrid goose this morning, so be aware of the possibility of 
seeing it if you come.  It looks like a huge GWFG, but has white cheek patches 
and a black breast. (a striking bird) It has only been seen in the company of 
Canada Geese thus far, but you never know.   Of other note, I had my first five 
Tree Swallows of the year this morning.  John Haas


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