These are just a few additions to yesterday's posts from various observers of 
Jamaica Bay and Jones Beach birds. 

Midmorning, the drake Barrow's Goldeneye was present in the northwest bay - 
allowing only distant scope views. He was with a small flock of male and female 
Common Goldeneye. An additional 6 female were on the West Pond. A stop at the 
visitors center at 6:15 pm yielded at least 5 American Woodcock "peenting" and 
whirring in the south garden.

Among the few birds at Jones Beach there was a flock of 16 Snow Buntings on the 
median in front of  the Nature Center and a pair of Tree Swallows flying around 
the dunes east of the West End 2 parking lot. American Oystercatchers were in 
relative abundance in the air and on the beaches around Field 10 fishing piers 
and, as previously reported, Common Redpolls could be found in the pine trees 
at the east end of the parking lot. There were numerous seals bobbing in the 
bay as well as a Harp Seal hauled out on the far beach opposite the Jones Beach 
Coast Guard Station.

At Point Lookout the 6 Harlequin Ducks continued, as did the juvenile Iceland 
Gull hanging nearby in the Inlet. A seventh Harlequin Duck, a female, fed alone 
by the western-most of the beach jetties. The previously large Common Eider 
rafts were reduced to a single female bird. There were single Common and 
Red-throated Loons near the west side of the inlet. Near the western jetty a 
pair of Harbor Seals looked back at their human observers. 

Rich Fried
New York City

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