Sunday, 20 March, 2011 - Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

The long-lingering female VARIED THRUSH continues, with sightings late  
Saturday and much of Sunday in the area on the north side of the East  
79 Street transverse road and a short way south of the south wall of  
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, within Central Park, about 300 feet  
inside from Fifth Ave. The thrush was seen in the morning & afternoon  
in this area on Sunday.   Should this bird continue for one more full  
week, it will have been present in the same "general" section of  
Central Park for at least four full months.

The first-year RED-HEADED WOODPECKER remains near the 66 Street  
transverse road, usually within sight of the Carousel (south of Sheep  
Meadow) and recently mostly north of the 66 Street transverse,  
although it also still may wander a bit on the south side (closer to  
the carousel). This bird is gaining some adult plumage but it will be  
a while before it is fully complete.

Interesting on a 'local' basis were the great numbers of Song Sparrows  
& Slate-colored Juncos that had moved thru Riverside Park on  
Manhattan's upper west side on Saturday, while in Central Park it  
seemed Sunday was when these species came in greater numbers (than had  
been there).  Also in both parks were very modest numbers of newly- 
arrived Brown Creepers, Golden-crowned Kinglets, and Eastern Phoebes,  
and there seem to be a few more N. [Yellow-shafted] Flickers. Also  
increased a bit in the last week have been "red" Fox Sparrows, many of  
which are singing along with various other birds that have been quite  

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,


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