This is a summary of the Hudson-Mohawk Birdline reports for the week ending April 20, 2010. Report your sightings in New York's Hudson-Mohawk Region to

Ninety-five species were reported this week. Most-reported species include Northern Flicker (11 reports), Wood Duck (8), Northern Mockingbird (7), Purple Finch (7), Yellow-rumped Warbler (7), RUSTY BLACKBIRD (6) and Ruby-crowned Kinglet (6).

The best birds of the week were:

RED-BREASTED MERGANSER: Collins Lake 4/14; New Baltimore 4/19 (3).

RING-NECKED PHEASANT: Austerlitz 4/17.

BLACK VULTURE: Ravena 4/20.

MERLIN: Albany 4/20.

SORA: Rensselaer Tech Park 4/15.

RUSTY BLACKBIRD: Papscanee 4/14 (4); Vischer Ferry 4/17; Malta 4/17; Ann Lee Pond 4/14 (20), 4/17 (~40), 4/18 (4).

Other notable sightings:

Gadwall: Vischer Ferry 4/17.

American Widgeon: Vischer Ferry 4/17; 4-mile Point 4/19 (6).

Blue-winged Teal: Vischer Ferry 4/17.

Surf Scoter: Collins Lake 4/14.

Common Loon: Lake George 4/14, 4/20 (2); Troy Dam 4/19; Butler Pond 4/19 (3).

Pied-billed Grebe: Ann Lee Pond 4/14 (2), 4/17, 4/18.D

Osprey: Vischer Ferry 4/17; Ann Lee Pond 4/18; Albany 4/20.

Bald Eagle: Lake George 4/14; Troy Dam 4/19.

Broad-winged Hawk: Brunswick 4/15, 4/20; Burnt Hills 4/16 (5).

Peregrine Falcon: Rensselaer Tech Park 4/15.

Spotted Sandpiper: Albany/Bethlehem 4/17; Troy Dam 4/19.

Lesser Yellowlegs: Papscanee 4/14 (2), 4/15 (2).

Wilson’s Snipe: Papscanee 4/14 (17).

American Woodcock: Vischer Ferry 4/17.

Common Raven: Lake George 4/14; New Baltimore 4/19 (2).

Horned Lark: Saratoga County Airport 4/17.

Bank Swallow: Vischer Ferry 4/17.

Carolina Wren: Guilderland 4/17 (2); Peebles Island 4/19 (2).

Winter Wren: Five Rivers 4/20.

Golden-crowned Kinglet: Ann Lee Pond 4/14 (24+), Brunswick 4/15; Butler Pond 4/19 (3).

Hermit Thrush: Rensselaer Tech Park 4/15; Austerlitz 4/17; Peebles Island 4/19; Butler Pond 4/19 (2).

Brown Thrasher: Five Rivers 4/20.

Pine Warbler: 4-mile Point 4/19 (3).

Palm Warbler: Burnt Hills 4/16; Ann Lee Pond 4/17, 4/18; 4-mile Point 4/19 (2).

Louisiana Waterthrush: Malta 4/17; Schodack Town Park 4/19.

Eastern Towhee: Guilderland 4/17; East Greenbush 4/18; Peebles Island 4/19.

Savannah Sparrow: Saratoga County Airport 4/17.

Fox Sparrow: Burnt Hills 4/16, 4/20; Ann Lee Pond 4/14 (2), 4/18.

Baltimore Oriole: Ann Lee Pond 4/16.

Pine Siskin: Stuyvesant Falls 4/19 (2); Providence 4/20.

Thanks to Phil Whitney (Birdline compiler), Steve Abrahamsen (Saraoga, Saratoga County Airport, Malta, Papscanee 4/15, Ann Lee Pond 4/18, Butler Pond), Barb Bebee (Delmar, Slingerlands), Nancy Castillo (Providence), Lindsey Duval (Betar Byway), Rich Guthrie (New Baltimore), John Hershey (Vischer Ferry), John Kent (Albany), Nancy Kern (Austerlitz), Eric Krantz (Lake George), Bill Lee (Ann Lee Pond 4/14), Priscilla Leonard (Jonesville), Jim deWaal Malefyt (Papscanee 4/14, Rensselaer Tech Park; Ann Lee Pond 4/18), Steve Mesick (4-mile Point, Coxsackie Grasslands), Jeff Nadler (Collins Lake 4/14, Burnt Hills), Ellen Pemrick (Colonie, Ann Lee Pond 4/16), Bob Ramonowski (Schenectady, Collins Lake 4/17), Will Raup (Albany, Ravena), Kathy Schneider (Stuyvesant Falls), Alan Schroeder (Guilderland), Brad Walker (Brunswick, Troy Dam, Peebles Island) and Tom Williams (Ann Lee Pond 4/17, Five Rivers 4/20).


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