Wednesday, 27 April, 2011 -

Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. City -

A female SUMMER TANAGER found Wednesday was photographed by Juan Salas  
in Prospect Park, Brooklyn was the reported via the ebirdsnyc list;  
photo at: 
  - this bird was apparently seen first in early afternoon at the  
"Vale of Cashmere" by Alex Wilson of Brooklyn, and was still there at  
the time J.S.'s photo was taken. Also present in Prospect was at least  
one Prothonotary Warbler, in the same area as two had been seen the  
day before, near their zoo. The Prothonotary & other miscellaneous  
migrants are noted as usual in Peter Dorosh's birding blog that has  
sightings from a multitude of observers in north Brooklyn's main  
birding areas.
-  -  -  -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

Central Park was (and from reports, about all other areas birders  
visited in N.Y. City) much less active for migrants on Wednesday. Even  
so, with some effort, up to twenty warbler species were found in the  
park, collectively - with some species perhaps represented by a single  
individual seen by multiple observers. There were also a fair  
selection of some, but not all, of the other migrants having been  
found in the previous week, almost all species in much lower numbers.  
As an example it was very obvious how many fewer of thrushes,  
sparrows, and Myrtle [Yellow-rumped] Warblers, along with other birds,  
there were to see on Wed.

All areas of the park were equally much less active than had been in  
the preceding several days.  The massive exodus of migrants from the  
N.Y.C. area was visible on radar imagery on Tues. night, with  
seemingly fewer birds arriving from points to the southwest of the  
city that night.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

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