At least to Sunday, May 1st (and after that?) the long-lingering  
female VARIED THRUSH was found again, still in the area which it  
favored in the previous several months, on the north side of the East  
79th Street transverse road and a bit east of the East Drive of the  
park, which also happens to be somewhat south of the SW portion of the  
Metropolitan Museum of Art (that part that's within the park itself).  
That thrush was thus present in Central Park for more than five full  
months.  It was first noted by Ray Slyper on Nov. 28, 2010, with many  
observers subsequently, in the northeast part of the Ramble. It's  
likely that more than 1,000 observers came and saw this bird over the  
months that it was present... not all rare birds stay so long!

-   -   -   -
Tuesday, 3 May, 2011  -  Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A very good day for migrant drop-ins, probably all around the city!   
Central Park had at least 29 warbler species - with one of the many  
highlights being a Kentucky Warbler on the slope just north of The  
Pool, near (east of) the West 103 Street park entrance. That bird was  
seen by at least a dozen observers thru the afternoon, after being  
first mentioned by Jacob Drucker, and then re-found by other north- 
enders on the scene not long afterwards.  A Yellow-throated Warbler  
was present again north of Bow Bridge & around the "Summer House  
(largest wooden rustic shelter in the Ramble - and a 2nd Yellow- 
throated Warbler reported from the Loch, later in the day!), &  
multiples of Tennessee, Cape May, Bay-breasted, Worm-eating,  
Blackburnian, Hooded, and a wide variety of many other migrant  
warblers, including an Orange-crowned in the Ramble, and still a few  
Pine, as well as Louisiana (& many Northern) Waterthrush[es], and  
virtually all of the other expected species of warbler (almost the  
only annually-occurring one not yet reported being a Mourning),  as  
well as many other species found in Central from the south perimeter  
wall at Central Park South, with the Pond & Hallett Sanctuary alone  
having at least 18 warbler species (& other migrants), thru the Ramble  
& vicinity, the reservoir paths & vicinity, up thru the north woods,  
Meer, & all other sections of the park, to at least some degree.  A  
number of observers reported finding well over 20 species of warblers  
this day.  Some reports came in of multiple warbler and other migrant  
species from various smaller parks and green-spaces all around the  
island of Manhattan this day.

The actual number of all species for 5/3 might not be knowable, but  
the park certainly had somewhere in the 120+ species range, with some  
ducks, raptors and all the many land-bird migrants, just a few of the  
additional highlights including such species as: Common Loon (fly- 
overs), Snowy Egret (fly-overs), Wood Duck, Bufflehead, the following  
fly-overs: Bald Eagle, Osprey, Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned &  
Cooper's Hawks, all 3 "regular" falcon species, at least 5 shorebird  
species: Killdeer, Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted, Solitary, & Least  
Sandpipers, 4 gull species: Laughing Gull & the 3 "regular" spp., the  
long-lingering now brightly-plumaged first-spring RED-HEADED  
WOODPECKER still around the path south of the southeast part of Sheep  
Meadow (looking west a bit), Olive-sided Flycatcher (multiple  
observers and the bird also giving characteristic "pip-pip-pip"  
calls), Empidonax flycatchers including Least & reports of calling  
Acadian, plus Empidonax left unidentified, Eastern Wood-Pewees, many  
Eastern Kingbirds and multiple Great Crested Flycatchers, five Vireo  
species (White-eyed, Red-eyed, Blue-headed, Warbling, & Red-eyed  
Vireos), all 5 northeastern-breeding swallows: Cliff, Bank, Tree,  
Barn, & Northern Rough-winged Swallows, Red-breasted Nuthatches, 4  
Wren species: Marsh, Winter, House, & Carolina Wrens, at least these  
thrush species: Wood, Swainson's, Hermit Thrush[es] and Veery, SUMMER  
(several) & Scarlet (many dozens in the park) Tanagers, at least 8  
Sparrow species including Lincoln's & White-crowned Sparrow[s],  
Bobolink (fly-bys), Baltimore (scores & scores) and Orchard (fewer)  
Orioles, Purple Finches, and many, many, many more migrants.  I would  
not be at all surprised to learn of any number of additional species  
that were seen by others in the park on a day such as this.

It was easily the strongest migration of the year so far for both  
diversity and overall numbers of individual birds... and there also  
were a whole lot of birders!  And yet, the preceding so noted, this  
still did not equal some of the strongest spring migration days this  
park has seen in the last decade or more - and it remains to be seen  
if "bigger" days here await, this spring.  It will stand out in any  
case as an early migration, in terms not just of birds having moved en  
masse into and thru the city parks around here, but also of so many  
species having already reached or nearing their ultimate summer  
destinations, their respective breeding areas. A huge number of  
species and individual birds have done just that, which is quite a bit  
earlier than the norm, in terms of more than a few "early" arrivers in  
some more northerly destinations. This will play out for weeks longer  
yet is already a notable event. A lot of the species seen in NYC are  
also already turning up at, north of, or near the Canadian border (of  
those that nest that far north) or into some of the more northeasterly  
ranges that they respectively occupy.  It looks as though a lot more  
could be on the move in the coastal plain from the southeast thru New  
England, ahead of a wet weather system pressing northeast overnight  
this Tuesday eve.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

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