Memorial Day Mon., 30 May, 2011 -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

"Ain't over 'til it's over" - but getting there... for local land-bird  
migration that is. In going out extra-early before rains arrived, a  
few migrants were vocal, including at least 4 Warbler species and then  
much later, with warm sun & a look around the well-watered Loch, a few  
additional warblers and not many other non-summer visitors, except for  
a smattering of Empidonax, with only one making much noise, a calling  
Acadian.  The warblers were of a similar mix as Sunday except that  
some (all those singing, of course) were males, including a Wilson's.  
At least 8 Blackpoll Warblers, half of them females were seen, usually  
a fairly good indicator of the migration's near-end, yet there will be  
as much as a week or more of stragglers and perhaps odd birds moving  
through in one direction or another, if not lingering a while in a  
city park.

Sunday -

A female Mourning Warbler was among the very few migrants to be found  
in the park's north end Sunday a.m., almost all of what was seen was  
well after a fog lifted, and sun emerged.  Also seen - found by Tom  
Perlman - was a Red-breasted Nuthatch, which continues a string of  
sightings in the park, notably in late spring at the north end, of  
this species.  Some other warblers also found, in our separate  
findings in the n. end, included Wilson's, N. Parula, Black-throated  
Blue, Chestnut-sided, Ovenbird (with a 'gimpy' wing), American  
Redstart, & Blackpoll - most of these, other than a few of the latter,  
were females.  There was a brief altercation between an E. Wood-Pewee  
(one of a fair number in the park) and what sounded to be an Acadian  
Flycatcher, which gave some odd, slightly fast calls in response to a  
"pewee chase".  Also seen were a few other (non-vocal) Empidonax-genus  
flycatchers, as well as resident E. Kingbirds, and not-very-active  
Great Crested Flycatchers.  Modest numbers of Chimney Swifts persist.  
The most numerous migrant (of which relatively few will stay and  
attempt to nest) was Red-eyed Vireo, which were singing well once fog  
lifted. Warbling Vireos include some pairs that have been on nests.

-   -   -   -   -
There is a report from Cape May New Jersey of a Magnificent  
Frigatebird, apparently watched moving south towards Delaware on  
Memorial Day Monday.  There are certainly many more reports of kites,  
mostly Mississippi Kite with the odd Swallow-tailed also in places  
much more northerly than "usual", with numbers of up to seven  
Mississippis seen in single locations as far east as at least Cape Cod  
Massachusetts and any number of other reports from states to the south  
and west, including 8 reported from Cape May NJ on Monday.
Good birding,

Tom Fiore,

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