Today, from ~ 1245 to 1600, Tom Moran and I hit the beach ! Visibility on the 
ocean was close to none, with the water on the bay side being almost up to the 
road. Due to the explosive atmosphere, surrounding the current philosophical 
discussion being waged on this list-serve, I will not list our FOS birds, or 
even our"better" common sightings. We had no rarities, low #'s of lingering 
migrants, with the same being true of our breeding species, except for Willet, 
which seemed to be everywhere- including the one that caused us to jump "sky 
On the n/s of Dune Rd., Quogue, Suffolk Co., a short distance e/o "Dockers 
Restaurant",  we spied an adult Black-crowned Night Heron standing on a patch 
of matted grass, near the road. Wanting a picture of this handsome bird, we 
parked, left the car and stealthily approached the BCNH, and after getting a 
few photos, decided to advance our position for some "National Geographic" like 
shots... and this is where we came within about a foot of a "sitting" Willet ! 
It literally exploded off the nest, and figuratively "blew our minds" ! It 
recovered before we did, as it flew a short distance, landed and started to 
give us the "broken wing" routine, except she dragged both of her's trying to 
get us to follow. We found 4 eggs in the nest, which is normal according to The 
Peterson Field Guide Series' A FIELD GUIDE to BIRD"S NESTS, Hal H.Harrison, 
while also describing their shape as oval to pyriform (pear shaped) and their 
color either grayish, greenish, or olive-buff, boldly marked with an overlay of 
small to large spots and blotches of brown shades. We found the eggs to be more 
oval shaped, olive-buff in color, with the overlay of spots/blotches as 
previously stated. We took a few pictures, and because of the cool, damp 
weather, left the scene quickly. Finding a Willet's nest is a first for both 
Tom and I, and  was certainly the highlight of our day ! 
Cheers, Bob                                       

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