This afternoon (2:15-5:30) I paid a visit to Connetquot River State Park
(Suffolk Co.), primarily to see if the Yellow-throated Warbler present
there last Saturday (6/4) had actually stayed around. It's frequent singing
that day had raised the possibility of its having established a territory.
But the YTWA was MIA, with no sign of it during an hour spent searching the
area it had been last week (the fish hatchery). But, ironically, I did
find an ACADIAN FLYCATCHER, presumably the same bird I'd been looking for
(reported by Ken Fuestel 6/3) but failed to locate the day I found the YTWA.
The Acadian ranged around the south end of the hatchery complex for 20-25
minutes, vocalizing fairly often, before finally flying off to the east.
I could not track it down again after that. Before it flew off it had
offered sporadic views that ranged from mere glimpses to prolonged looks,
though not much closer than 50'. The one time it did came down to eye-level
within camera range, it was quickly chased off by a pair of adult Chickadees
which had their family of 4-5 hungry offspring in close proximity.

Also seen during my walk were 2 Baltimore Oriole nests, both with nestlings
audibly calling from inside. The second nest also had a recently fledged
juvenile clinging to a branch just outside. I saw both adults come to the
nest with food, but they only seemed to feed the bird/s still inside.
Video of this can be viewed here:


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