A first-summer Arctic Tern was present at Cupsogue from 9:00-9:15 this morning, 
a nice reward for Richard Fried and me, just prior to high tide. A number of 
other birders had been seawatching at this time, counting upwards of 80 Cory's 
Shearwaters, 3 Wilson's Storm-Petrels, a distant jaeger (probably Parasitic), 
15 Northern Gannets, and several Lesser Black-backed Gulls. These folks were 
able to scope the Arctic Tern from afar, but it vanished quickly, as they so 
often do. A few photos can be seen at:


<https://picasaweb.google.com/tixbirdz/LongIslandSummer2011>To my eye, this was 
the fourth individual Arctic Tern here this year, its head pattern and tail 
streamers differing from one seen on 15 Jun and two seen on 29 Jun (one of 
which was superbly photographed the next day also).

Over the course of a very long day (I first stepped out on the marsh at 6:40 am 
and finished my third trip at 7:40 pm), at least three Royal, two Black, and 
three Roseate Terns were tallied, and lots of early fall shorebird migration 
was noted: many small flocks of Short-billed Dowitchers (including a 
high-breeding hendersoni picked out by Andy Guthrie), two Western Willets, and 
half a dozen each Lesser Yellowlegs and Least Sandpipers. The identity of a 
long-billed peep in first summer plumage was debated ad nauseum by some of the 
finest birding minds in New York State (despite my protests that they ought to 
just leave it alone!); a majority favored Western over Semi in the end.

The local Eastern Willets and Oystercatchers are ganging up now, with 63 of the 
former and 16 of the latter observed in tight flocks today. Two summering Brant 
appeared on the flats also.

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore


Change is in the Air - Smoking in Designated Areas Only in 
Tobacco-Free Campus as of July 1, 2012.


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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