The Hudsonian Godwit was seen today around the same area it was last seen
yesterday, which is north of the raunt on the East Pond.  Yesterday, the
bird was found south of the raunt, but later moved just north of the raunt
and that is exactly the area where it flew into this morning, where it fed
for quite sometime.

Shorebird numbers were building nicely despite the lack of habitat to rest
and feed on at the East Pond.  Stilt Sandpipers were very well represented
and I  tallied 41 today with possibly more elsewhere on the pond.  Most of
them were seen feeding near the raunt.

Including the HUGO, other highlights were a Pied Biled Grebe seen on the
East Pond, 4 Ruddy ducks, a Western Willet seen on the West Pond shores and
123 Least Terns, with the majority being juvenile birds, mostly seen on the
bay side beach area across from bench 7.

If you are going to try for the Godwit, I would suggest trying 1st from the
overlook from Big John's Pond trail, as the Godwit could easily be seen from
that area if it is not hidden from views in one of the many coves on the
East Pond.  I should also add that there are a lot of shorebirds showing up
on the shores of the West Pond with the majority of them being peeps, so
that pond is worth working over thoroughly.

Good Shorebirding!

Andrew Baksh
Queens NY


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