The birding today was certainly not as exciting as yesterday in Irene's
wake, but all in all it was a very good day.  I birded with Andrew Baksh and
we were joined by many others.  There was a modest flight of diurnal
landbird migrants along the barrier beach.  The highlights included


3 Sandwich Terns.  Two of these were at Jones Beach West End and another on
the beach at Pt. Lookout.

8 Royal Terns.  Scattered singles at various locations.

20+ Black Terns at various locations.

3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls on the beach at West End.

13 Pectoral Sandpipers at Pt. Lookout in a pool on the lawn near Lido Blvd.

1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Floyd Bennett Field near the pools at the
northwest corner of the runways.

1 juvenile Western Sandpiper (same location)

1 Monk Parakeet at Gilgo.  My first ever on the barrier beach.

4 Purple Martins.  2 at West End and 2 at Gilgo.

5 Bank Swallows at various locations.

35 Eastern Kingbirds, migrating in several flocks of roughly 7-10 birds.

Other swallows, Bobolinks, Red-winged Blackbirds and Cedar Waxwings were
prominent in the landbird flight


Mary Normandia and others reported a Whimbrel and a Marbled Godwit in the
swale at West End.  The mosquitoes were bad at all the barrier beach
locations, but at West End they can best be described as a ravenous cloud.


Seth Ausubel

Forest Hills, NY


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