Times Beach 6:05 PM

Not much activity. Initially the only bird seen  was a lone Caspian  Tern. 
waited a couple minutes, saw one  Ring-billed Gull and started  heading 
to the car. I decided to  take another quick look, and found  a Great Egret 
and Great Blue Heron.  About  75 yards from the car I saw a Gray Catbird, 
American   Robin, and a male American Kestrel up in a snag  enjoying a  

Lake Erie in Woodlawn, NY (between Woodlawn Beach State Park  and the wind  
turbines) 6:30

The first bird seen was a  Semipalmated Plover; a minute or  two later, I 
saw a second  Semipalmated Plover. I was hoping for some sandpipers  of 
sort,  but didn't see much beyond the ever present Ring-billed  Gulls (of 
there were 21) and one juvenile Herring  Gull. The gulls were clustered  at 
the mouth of a creek (possibly Smoke  Creek, but I don't have  complete 
in the map I am looking at).

Then, I noticed an odd  cluster of smaller birds just to the front and left 
of the gulls. I  thought that there were five birds (turns out there were 
six),  and my  first impulse was they must be some smaller gull species 
(Bonaparte's   Gulls, or better yet, Little Gulls). 

The sun was kind of low, and almost  directly behind the birds in question, 
but upon seeing those long,  upturned bills, there was no questioning that 
stumbled upon five (actually  six) American Avocet (a life bird  for me)! 

My next thought was  "Where's my %$&^#*@ phone!" (in the car).  Three 
were  palying on the beach, and I asked them to please keep an eye  on the  
groups of smaller birds by the gulls, headed back to the car, got the   
called Jim Horn and HM Bateman, left a message for Alec Humann,  and  
back to the beach, and saw not one stinking bird!

In  my absence, three older kids walked down the beach, scattering the   
aforementioned birds. That got me to thinking "The sun was in your eyes,  
probably weren't Avocets at all. Why don't you keep your phone on  you. Why 
didn't you have someone else come along in the first  place?"

I called HM back, and told her that the birds flew the coop. She  said that 
she and Jim were in the car, and might as well head down and  at least 
the  Semipalmated Sandpipers, if nothing else. While  waiting for HM and 
Jim, I  spotted 11 Sanderlings and one Turkey   Vulture.

Jim and HM arrived at approximately 7:10 pm, and just as they  walked  on 
the beach, the Avocets returned. All of us got pretty  good views,  and if 
you couldn't tell, I was pretty  excited.

Feel free to get in touch off list should you need additional  information  
on the location.

Joseph  Fell


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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