On Monday Sue and I started our morning at Robert Moses State Park which, 
except for a few warblers was quiet. We proceeded west down Ocean Parkway and 
made a stop at Gilgo Beach, where for the last few years Forster's Terns have 
been using the floating docks down at the west end of the marina as an early 
fall roost (we observed thirty-five birds on the docks). As we were leaving we 
noticed a bird sitting on the wire near the first home at the east end of the 
Gilgo Beach parking area - Western Kingbird. The bird, an individual in worn 
plumage, quickly flew toward the parkway and we could not relocate it. We then 
proceeded to West End, where the previously reported Marbled Godwit was 
sleeping on the sandbar. At the swale an immature American Golden Plover was 
picking through the mud. Other shorebirds present in the swale and on the beach 
included White-rumped, Semi, and Western Sandpipers.

Sue and I spent five days on Monhegan Island, Maine, a well known migrant trap 
twelve miles east of Port Clyde, ME. Although we encountered no cold fronts and 
birding was slow, we still managed Lark (3) and Clay-colored Sparrows (3), 
Dickcissel (10), Philadelphia Vireo (2), Orange-crowned Warbler (1), Western 
Kingbird (1) and Lapland Longspur (2). A few nice looks at Great Shearwater 
were obtained on the ferry ride home. Photos of some Monhegan Island birds, as 
well as juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper and the Gilgo Western Kingbird (poor 
photo) can be found at my flickr website at:


Ken & Sue Feustel


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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