10/27/11 Long Lake (northern Hamilton Co.), 34 degrees, calm winds, low
cloud ceiling, snow covered landscape!  (Last night's snow was the first of
the season in Long Lake.)


Pine Siskin continues to be the most abundant species encountered on outings
(& outside our house, but none at the feeders yet).  Today, the number of
siskins was even more remarkable.  Flocks were encountered everywhere I
walked and whenever I stopped my car.  I visited the outlet area of Little
Tupper Lake and Sabattis Bog (10 a.m. to noon), both on Sabattis Circle Rd.
in Long Lake.  The outlet area of Little Tupper Lake is often an exciting
birding location, and this morning it was filled with birds.  There were a
couple hundred Pine Siskins at this spot - calling and singing - it was
loud!  The first bird heard when I got out of the car was a singing Rusty
Blackbird.  After an hour of birding at this location, I was just about to
get in my car (freezing with completely numb hands) when a male Rusty
Blackbird flew into the berry bushes a few feet from me.  It was picking the
red berries - it would pause for a moment with a large berry in its bill
before swallowing it - one of those moments when I wished Jeff Nadler was
there with his camera!  After eating berries, it flew up to a branch on a
dead snag, and a Pine Siskin joined it - yet another wonderful photo
opportunity!  The morning became even more exciting at Sabattis Bog.  Here
are some of the 30 species encountered this morning:


Ruffed Grouse

Common Loon

Turkey Vulture - 2

Northern Goshawk - flying over the trees surrounding Sabattis Bog

Red-tailed Hawk - 3

Black-backed Woodpecker - 2, one male and one female

Northern Flicker - several

Gray Jay - 2

Common Raven

Boreal Chickadee - 4 (2 groups of at least 2)

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Yellow-rumped Warbler - small flock, one bird had no tail

Song Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow (small flock of ~10 found near the intersection of
Tarbell Hill Lane and Route 28N - same location I found them yesterday

Dark-eyed Junco

Rusty Blackbird

Common Grackle

Purple Finch

White-winged Crossbill - one heard near Sabattis Bog

Pine Siskin - hundreds (there was a huge flock heard at the intersection of
Route 30 and Sabattis Circle Rd.)


Blue Jays and Amer. Robins continue to be abundant also.  Geese were on the
move, but with the low clouds, it was impossible to see them.


While I was walking at Sabattis Bog, a car stopped, and the people asked if
I was looking for the moose!  I should keep a tally of how many times I am
asked that question!  They told me that people have recently been observing
a moose on Sabattis Circle Rd.


10/25/11 Long Lake


Two Hermit Thrushes were observed in the trees outside our home.  While I
was out with our dogs in the evening, I heard a fox calling.  Later in the
evening, a coyote pack howled, which was amplified over the baby monitor we
have on our porch to bring in feeder bird sounds.  


10/22/11 Northville-Placid Trail (S) in Long Lake


I hiked 2 miles round trip on the N-P Trail (S).  A Ruffed Grouse was
drumming as if it were spring - heard several times on the way in and way
out.  A Black-backed Woodpecker called and flew between the tops of two
trees.  A Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrushes, Winter Wrens, and Pine
Siskins were some of the other species found.


Joan Collins

Long Lake, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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