Hi All,


My wife and I spent Saturday afternoon looking for the Pink-footed Goose
reported from the Middletown area of Orange Co. Lots of Canada Geese (+ 1
Cackling Goose) near the previous Carmelite Rd location, but no sign of the
PFGO. Around 4 PM we drove to Maple Hill Park (41.443963 -74.439604), near
the corner of California Ave. and Maple Ave, in Wallkill. This location is
about 0.7 mi from Carmelite Rd. Almost immediately we spotted what we
initially thought was the PFGO. Continued inspection of the geese in the
area revealed a second individual of similar appearance. Our general
impression was PFGO, but neither looked quite right. Both individuals had a
dark brown head and general overall PFGO appearance. The bill of the first
individual was pinkish-orange with a dark tip while that of the second was
more extensively dark with limited pale pinkish-orange.  The second
individual had flesh colored feet while those of the first had
yellowish-orange feet.  The bill of both individuals appeared longer than
expected for a PFGO (Bean Goose like?) and both showed a faint light ear
patch (Canada Goose like?).  Comparing our photographs of the two
individuals to the photographs posted by Richard Fried indicates that the
two Maple Hill individual are not the same as previously reported.


Photographs of the Maple Hill Park birds may be found at :


We are not sure what to call these two birds. Juvenile PFGO? Hybrid Canada x
Greylag? Something else? Any insight would be appreciated!! Thanks!



Alan & Della Wells

Tomkins Cove, NY


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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