The Captree CBC was conducted for the 50th time on 18 December 2011. In the 
weeks and days leading up to the count, I spoke with both of the count's 
founders, Joe Horowitz and Guy Tudor, who shared some thoughts on the origins 
of this count back in December 1962. Neither was able to join us on Sunday, but 
we hope they’ll be pleased to know that the tradition is still going strong.

We recorded 116 species, which is about average for recent years.

Highlights included:

Snow Goose (Connetquot, 35th time recorded)
3 Cackling Goose (Belmont, Seatuck, Connetquot; third time recorded)
5 Wood Duck (Belmont, Gardiner, East; 37th time recorded)
75 Redhead (our max count; Gardiner)
4 Common Merganser (Seatuck, 24th time recorded)
Red-necked Grebe (Fire Island, 18th time recorded)
2 American Bittern (Jones, Heckscher, 37th time recorded)
Great Egret (Seatuck, 10th time recorded)
3 Merlin (Jones, Heckscher; 30th time recorded)
7 Peregrine Falcon (five areas, 27th time recorded)
Black Rail (see below)
3 Greater Yellowlegs (Gardiner, 22nd time recorded)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Gardiner, fifth time recorded)
Black-legged Kittiwake (Fire Island, 30th time recorded)
4 Razorbill (Fire Island,16th time recorded)
2 Monk Parakeet (North, third time recorded)
3 Great Horned Owl (North, Gardiner, 35th time recorded)
Snowy Owl (Fire Island, 19th time recorded)
Short-eared Owl (Jones, 36th time recorded)
2 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (Seatuck, East; 22nd time recorded)
460 Fish Crow (more than three times American Crow total)
House Wren (Seatuck, fourth time recorded)
Marsh Wren (Heckscher, 30th time recorded)
4 Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Fire Island, Seatuck, Heckscher; 36th time recorded)
5 Eastern Bluebird (Heckscher, 16th time recorded)
2 Brown Thrasher (Fire Island, 37th time recorded)
4 American Pipit (Heckscher, 27th time recorded)
8 Cedar Waxwing (North, East; 26th time recorded)
Pine Warbler (Fire Island, 10th time recorded)
4 Western Palm Warbler (Fire Island, Heckscher, 27th time recorded)
Chipping Sparrow (Heckscher, 22nd time recorded)
Vesper Sparrow (Fire Island, 9th time recorded)
Seaside Sparrow (Heckscher, 23rd time recorded, but just the first since Dec 

On the down side, we finally missed Canvasback, for the first time ever, after 
a steady decline over several decades (this count used to record 1,000+ back in 
the 1970s).
Northern Pintail was another painful miss (just the fifth ever), but not 
surprising in view of recent trends.
No Gallinaceous birds were found, despite repeated, massive dumps of baby quail 
at several sites within the circle in recent years.
American Kestrel was missed for the fifth time ever, but for the fourth time in 
the last 12 years.
Killdeer was missed for the 12th time.
Red-breasted Nuthatch was missed for just the third time ever, evidence of the 
species’ scarcity in the region this winter.
Ipswich Savannah Sparrow was missed for the 13th time.
Eastern Meadowlark was missed for just the fifth time ever, but for the fourth 
time in the last nine years.
Other blackbirds were also a weak point on this year’s count, with four 
reasonably expectable species missed (only Red-wing was found).
Finally, finches were completely absent, except for House and Goldfinch.

A Black Rail was reported from a mainland site where they have been reported in 
prior years (never before on the CBC), but where crepuscular and nocturnal 
access is limited. I’m aware that interest in this species is intense among 
birders (it would be a lifebird for me, too!), but the finders and I agree that 
discretion is desirable, at the very least until we have a chance to discuss 
matters with the managers of the property.

Shai Mitra
Bay Shore


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