Preliminary results for the Bronx-Westchester Christmas Bird Count 
The Bronx-Westchester Christmas Bird Count found 115 species on Monday, 
December 26. It was an interesting count. It had a split personality. Nine new 
high counts were offset by twelve common species with low numbers (20 or more 
year lows). American Tree Sparrow set an all time low for this 88 year count. 
A Greater White-fronted Goose in Van Cortlandt Park, The count’s 2nd record
A Eurasian Wigeon reported from Premium Mill Pond, Larchmont
4 Surf Scoter off Rye
88 White-winged Scoter off Rye
A female Barrow's Goldeneye off City Island, The count’s 3rd record
55 Northern Gannets, with 4 off City Island
8 Great Egret with 2 in Pelham Bay Park and a group of 6 together in Larchmont 
7 Black Vulture with 6 over Lenoir Nature Preserve, Yonkers and one over New 
Rochelle, The count’s 3rd record
8 Bald Eagles
9 Red-shouldered Hawks
3 Merlin, 2 in Woodlawn Cemetery and one on City Island
A Clapper Rail in Otter Creek, Rye
9 Greater Yellowlegs with 7 in Five Island Park, New Rochelle
7 Razorbill, 1 off City Island and 6 off Rye, The count’s 2nd record
4 Common Raven, pair in Riverdale and a pair Pelham Bay Park
2 House Wren (awaiting details)
An Orange-crowned Warbler - Pelham Bay Park
2 Palm Warbler near Split Rock in Pelham Bay Park
A Chipping Sparrow in Riverdale
A Saltmarsh Sparrow in Marshlands Conservancy
A White-crowned Sparrow in Bronx Botanical Gardens
Rusty Blackbirds in Pelham Bay Park and the Bronx Zoo
The total number of birds found set a fifty-nine year low with less than 30,000 
birds. Average for this count is 45,000. This was caused by an unusually warm 
late fall which failed to concentrate birds into the area and a gusty count day 
with northwest winds gusting to 35 mph, making many birds staying sheltered.
New High Counts
81 Red-throated Loon 81 (old high was 74 in 2002)
40 Common Loon (old high was 16 in 2002)
55 Northern Gannet (old high was 3 in 2007)
83 Double-crested Cormorant (old high was 80 in 2001)
8 Great Egret (old high was 3 in 2001)
7 Black Vulture (old high was 3 in 2003)
45 Turkey Vulture (old high was 31 in 2008)
8 Bald Eagle (old high was 4 in 2009)
4 Common Raven (old high was 2 in 2007)
9 Red-shouldered Hawk also set a 41 year high and 9 Greater Yellowlegs set a 23 
year high
Low numbers were noted for Mute Swan, Ruddy Duck, Purple Sandpiper, Northern 
Flicker, American Crow (53 year low), Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, 
Cedar Waxwing, American Tree Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco 
and Northern Cardinal.
Notable misses included Snow Goose, Northern Pintail, Ring-necked Pheasant, 
Black-crowned Night Heron, Ruddy Turnstone, Dunlin, Field Sparrow, Brown-headed 
Cowbird & Purple Finch.
Final results will be posted on
Michael Bochnik


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