I've posted a few shots I took of the Grace's Warbler we found this morning at 
Point Lookout (during the Southern Nassau CBC), including one of what a 
representative view for many people who came later was, here:

I will post a wider array of photos of the bird in an album labeled "Grace's 
Warbler" at this site later:

A couple of things to take into account when going for the bird tomorrow:
1) It will be very windy for the next two days, and this afternoon after the 
wind picked up the bird hunkered down and wasn't seen again as far as I am 
aware. It was certainly still there, but the way the pines were getting 
buffeted by the wind, it shouldn't be surprising that it wasn't being 
conspicuous. It's still gotta feed though, so hopefully when it warms up a bit 
tomorrow it will be forced into view for extended periods of time somewhere. 
Before the wind picked up (it was almost calm and then picked up to 20+ MPH 
blowing directly into the treeline the GRWA was frequenting) it was not 
incredibly difficult to re-locate, although it still could have easily been 
passed over had one not known it was in there.

2) Park in the parking lot itself, rather than along the entrance road. The 
police here have a history of taking issue with birders parked out of the lot, 
although they seemed to tolerate it today (or not notice it). It's literally 
only 12 feet or so of a longer walk.

3) It's gonna get pretty cold tomorrow night, so if anyone wants to bring an 
insect swarm (the native kind, no emerald ash-borers please) to feed it, that 
would be good.

I'm only mostly kidding about the last part.

Good Birding!
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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