my wife and i and a few others from NYS made the trek out the western NJ
yesterday for the Chaffinch without success.
 the problem is that there were so many people there (50-60 or more at any
one time) that the ground-feeding birds that the chaffinch is apparently
associating with, were not being allowed to come into the feeder because of
birder's activities there. although the crowd of people was seemingly quiet
and restrained, there was actually a lot of low noise, activity,
conversations, hand-waving,etc., being generated by people which i imagine
was simply intolerable for the feeder birds other than chickadees and
titmice, given the proximity that the crowd is from the feeder. half the
crowd (myself included initially upon our arrival before retreating to the
back of the deck) was camped out on the sidelawn off the deck, and the deck
itself was more than half filled.
 while standing there, we watched and heard the white-throat/cardinal flock
attempt to come in at least three times,unsuccessfully. all the while when
not trying to come into the feeders, the flock could be heard 50 or so feet
off in the woods, the entire morning. we finally left at 11am, seeing what
that the situation looked pretty hopeless.
 Good luck if you go for the bird.
 John Askildsen
Millbrook, New York


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