Received this via e-mail and thought people should know:

***IMPORTANT MEETING - PLEASE DISTRIBUTE! Wednesday January 18 @ 8 PM***

Community Board 18 will present the NEW PLANS for the Four Sparrow Marsh area -
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18 @ 8 PM, Kings Plaza Community Room (enter near the garage 
on Flatbush Ave., the community room is to your right)

"Hi folks,

Four Sparrow Marsh is located on southbound Flatbush Ave, just past Toys R Us 
but before Floyd Bennet Field. It bears the NYC Parks Dept's  "Forever Wild" 
logo. The NYC Parks Dept. website says:

"Named by naturalists Ron and Jean Bourque, Four Sparrow Marsh Preserve is home 
to four native species which require undisturbed marshland for nesting: 
Sharptailed, Seaside, Swamp, and Song Sparrows. Because of its relative 
isolation from residential areas in Brooklyn, Four Sparrow Marsh Preserve has 
been allowed to remain in a fairly natural condition. This makes it ideal for 
many permanently nesting species, including several types of ducks, gulls, and 
wading and woodland birds, as well as for the common seashore mollusks and 
crustaceans which feed those birds. It is an important part of the Jamaica Bay 
estuary system. "

Note the final sentence: "It is an important part of the Jamaica Bay estuary 

Last winter, the NYC Economic Development Corp. announced plans to turn a 
sizable portion of the marsh into a shopping mall. Although the site was marked 
by Parks Dept. signs, it turned out that the land had never been officially 
turned over to the Parks Dept.!!!

A number of us went to the Feb. 2011 Scoping Meeting. We've been to a lot of 
these meetings, but there was something really off kilter about this one. I 
remember turning to my colleagues & saying "something isn't right here". 
Several weeks later, we learned that State Senator Carl Kruger had been 
indicted, for among other things, being in cahoots with the developer. That was 
why things didn't feel right.

In the fall of 2011, the plan for the retail center was withdrawn. However, 
there are still plans in the works which may impact a small portion of the area 
that everyone thought was pakland. The new plans for development on the Toys R 
Us site are similar to what was previously announced (a car dealership & 
renovation/expansion of the existing marina). This will be built on the 
existing parking lot, etc. of Toys R Us. But there is an additional strip of 
land south of Toys R Us that is also included in the development. We need to 
see if this will intrude on the parkland of Four Sparrow Marsh.

We also need to insist that the remaining 60+ acres of land is OFFICIALLY 
turned over to the Parks Dept. Otherwise, there is a good possibility that 
sooner or later this site will be turned over to developers.

We lost the Vandalia Dunes to the Gateway Mall. Let's make sure that Four 
Sparrow Marsh does not suffer the same fate."

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