This morning after checking the bash (a lot of waterfowl), I headed to 
Neversink to see how the winter finches were faring.  I was not disappointed.  
I ran into several flocks of PINE SISKINS.  I also spotted a few PURPLE 
FINCHES  on Hunter Road.   When I reached Cooley Bog, as I stepped out of the 
car I heard Click-click calls all around me.   I immediately found (8) 
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS in the tops of the trees in the same spot where they 
had bred in 2008.  More calls could be heard all around and it was clear there 
were many many birds in the area.   I had a total of 50-60 Pine Siskins there 
and at least (18) White-winged Crossbills.   A Red-breasted Nuthatch and half a 
dozen Chickadees completed the count.  I was able to view the birds and take 
some terrible pics over the next half hour.  The birds then all moved into the 
vast stand of spruce, out of sight and eventually out of hearing range.  I left 
and headed into Liberty and on
 Aden Hill Road found an adult NORTHERN GOSHAWK.  For anyone interested in 
coming for the birds, I would expect morning is best and a wait is to be 
expected as these birds are clearly moving around a lot.  Also of note, an 
adult NORTHER SHRIKE continues on Zylstra Road in Fosterdale.   Good luck if 
you come.   John Haas

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