* New York
* Buffalo
* 02/09/2012
* NYBU1202.09
- Birds mentioned
 Please submit email to dfsuggs localnet com

 Red-throated Loon
 Horned Grebe
 Red-necked Grebe
 Trumpeter Swan
 Cackling Goose
 Northern Pintail
 Northern Shoveler
 American Wigeon
 Ring-necked Duck
 Lesser Scaup
 Long-tailed Duck
 Black Scoter
 White-winged Scoter
 Hooded Merganser
 Bald Eagle
 Rough-legged Hawk
 Herring Gull
 Great Horned Owl
 Long-eared Owl
 Short-eared Owl
 American Robin
 Northern Shrike
 Common Redpoll

- Transcript
 Hotline: Buffalo Bird Report at the Buffalo Museum of Science
 Date:             02/09/2012
 Number:           716-896-1271
 To Report:        Same
 Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs localnet com)
 Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
 Website:          www.BuffaloOrnithologicalSociety.org

 Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Buffalo Bird Report is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Ornithological Society. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

Highlights of reports received February 2 through February 9 from the Niagara Frontier Region include SNOW GEESE, BARROW'S GOLDENEYE, SNOWY OWL and FISH CROW.

In the Lake Ontario Plains, February 5, an occurrence of SNOW GEESE in numbers never recorded in the BOS region. Multiple observers counted 5000 to over 10,000 SNOW GEESE on Lake Ontario and in the fields of the Towns of Somerset and Yates. Previous maximum count for the region was 1400 SNOW GEESE.

Among the SNOW GEESE, a single CACKLING GOOSE and small numbers of blue-phase SNOW GEESE.

Also in the Lake Ontario Plains, one or two SHORT-EARED OWLS on Lower Lake Road east of Marshall Road in Yates, several NORTHERN SHRIKES and flocks of AMERICAN ROBINS. In Krull Park in Olcott, GREAT HORNED OWL, LONG-EARED OWL and COMMON REDPOLLS. On Lake Ontario, RED-THROATED LOON, HORNED GREBE, RED-NECKED GREBE, LONG-TAILED DUCK, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER and BLACK SCOTER. At the eastern line of the BOS region, a BARROW'S GOLDENEYE at the mouth of Oak Orchard Creek at Point Breeze.

A SNOWY OWL continues in the Lake Ontario Plains on Marshall Road in Yates. Another SNOWY OWL east of the region on the Lake Ontario Parkway at Kendall Road. One or two SNOWY OWLS still on the Buffalo waterfront - reported on the Short Breakwall seen from Fort Erie, Ontario, and on the Outer Harbor Breakwall at the Bell Slip on Fuhrmann Blvd.

February 2, five or more FISH CROWS studied again at Bowen and Jesse Roads in Fort Erie, Ontario.

Other recent reports - at the Batavia Waste Water Plant, at least nine waterfowl species included AMERICAN WIGEON, NORTHERN SHOVELER, NORTHERN PINTAIL, LESSER SCAUP and HOODED MERGANSER, plus 250 HERRING GULLS. On the Black Rock Canal at LaSalle Park in Buffalo, 6 RING-NECKED DUCKS. In the Iroquois Refuge at Kumpf Marsh, two TRUMPETER SWANS. ROUGH- LEGGED HAWK on Shelby-Barre Townline Road. For the third year, a NORTHERN SHRIKE at the Grand Island airstrip on Alt Blvd. And, three BALD EAGLES at the Cattaraugus County gravel pits in the Town of Dayton.

The Bird Report will be updated Thursday evening, February 16. Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and reporting.

- End Transcript


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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