Saturday 14 April, 2012  -
Riverside Park, Inwood Hill Park, Central Park: Manhattan, N.Y. City

The day began (at first light) with a very strong flow of 'new'  
migrants, including some apparent onward morning flight of various  
passerines as seen from the northern end of Central Park, and still at  
least somewhat evident a 1/2-hour after sunrise.  Many more Yellow- 
rumped [Myrtle] Warblers were moving than in any previous day this  
spring, and accompanying them were a more modest number of additional  
warbler species with Palm Warbler an easy second in their overall  
numbers.  A very good sparrow flight also took place with Chipping  
Sparrow and White-throated Sparrow predominant, also including a  
strong contingent of Dark-eyed Junco.  Continuing in good numbers were  
Ruby-crowned Kinglets, aided by fresh reinforcements.

Now, what a lot of birders also will be interested in are some of the  
"new" arrivals and the uncommon spp. amongst those:  there were at  
least (to my knowledge) 3 YELLOW-THROATED Warblers in Manhattan today  
- the first, previously reported here & elsewhere, was noted from the  
n. end of Riverside Park and was found by Tom Perlman - with whom I  
birded for a bit in Central Park's north end along with other birders.  
That bird (the Riverside Pk. Yellow-throated) was seen, after Tom &  
others spread the word, by no fewer than 40+ birders in the mid-day  
period and was pretty cooperative for many who showed up then. It did  
not seem to be vocal but stayed in one pin oak tree, along with  
multiple nearby Yellow-rumped, Palm, and some Pine Warblers, and other  
high-up migrants.  The location was just very slightly north (a few  
yards) of the paved park path within Riverside Park to the north of  
the north entry to the small sanctuary area, and the path that leads  
from 120 Street / Riverside Drive down into the park and (below) to  
the tennis courts & small brick building housing the tennis "house" &  
restrooms.  This also happens to be just north & up-slope of the  
"drip" in Riverside, which is on and is starting to be active now (a  
few warblers & other migrants visiting it this day).

Another Yellow-throated Warbler was in far northern Manhattan in  
Inwood Park, near the "Clove" path, or the central wooded path which  
leads from the lagoon area up to the highest ground - this bird was  
singing and was very high in the oak trees, well-known to any regulars  
of that park as an extremely high canopy & thus potentially a very  
tough bird - however there is a path that allows a bit of a view out  
into canopy from just above the "clove" and with the warbler singing  
on & off it was possible to re-find it, if only sporadically, in the  
hours between 3 & 5 p.m. - there were a variety of other warbler spp.  
and other expected migrants in Inwood Park as well in the afternoon &  
it seemed likely that the morning hours there may have been quite  
productive. I did not see any other birders at that hour, however, but  
there are a small group of devoted Inwood Hill area birders.

Also, a number of birders were able to see a Yellow-throated Warbler  
in Central Park's Ramble area, at the NW portion of that area, known  
as the "Upper Lobe" of the lake, not far in from the W. 77 Street park  
entrance - I have not heard anyone remark that it was singing or  
whether it had been seen at all in the morning hours.  A good many  
other warbler species were also seen in the Ramble or nearby, and for  
Central Park there appear to have been at least ten warbler species  
noted with almost a more unexpected species, Worm-eating Warbler, just  
a bit earlier than expected in this month, at the Ramble's Azalea Pond  
area, & still being seen as late as 7 p.m., along with that Yellow- 
throated...       Incidentally, the one (of the latter) that was  
around the "upper lobe" was also in the company of a Wilson's Snipe in  
the cove below, that being at least the 4th individual snipe in the  
borough this year - and in the 4th location. (Thanks to, among others,  
Karen Fung of Manhattan for quickly posting the Riverside Park Yellow- 
throated Warbler so that many others could see it, as did happen, and  
to Pat Pollock for a rapid report for the snipe sighting in Central  
Park.)  At Riverside Park, as many as 6 warbler species were tallied -  
& in the city as a whole, in all 5 boroughs, it seems a dozen warbler  
species may have been found on the day, according to all reports thus  

The other warbler spp. of which I am aware from today in Manhattan  
are: N. Parula (several), Black-and-white (several) Pine, Palm, Yellow- 
rumped [Myrtle], Louisiana Waterthrush (including at Riverside Park's  
"drip"), and ( 2 reasonable reports of ) Northern Waterthrush, and  
Black-throated Green Warbler (each from Central Park in the morning &  
afternoon). I could mention that a few other warbler & additional  
migrant birds were also reported, but are very early and might be  
sought in the next few days for additional confirmations. Of today's  
sightings, Worm-eating Warbler is perhaps ten days ahead of a more  
expected "early" date in our area and is among the longer-distance  
migrants to have come in. Many of the species seen today are of the  
shorter-distance migrants, that is from only the southern U.S.  
wintering populations, although some are also migrants from a bit  
farther south.  I suspect there were a couple, or at least one,  
additional warbler species seen in Manhattan today, with at least a  
few somewhat likely in the midst of a good general push of migrants in  
mid-April as was today's.  There are some reports for Yellow Warbler  
in NYC this day, which I did not hear of nor see myself, but is rather  
likely. Other species reasonably possible now would include Hooded  
Warbler and Ovenbird, among warblers soon to be seen. (I also don't  
know if anyone continues to seek & find any chat in the city, which  
could still be hanging in where the species was being seen.)

The overall migration did not appear as "dense" (as high in overall  
numbers at any given point in time or space) as that which took place  
April 4 (night of April 3 into the 4th) of this spring (from a  
Manhattan perspective, anyhow) but was a good one with a lot of fresh  
influx of some species already present or that had been passing  
through lately.  Notable again were many of the sparrow tribe,  
Chipping Sparrow in particular in a good showing right about "on  
schedule", and now out-numbering junco, although still not by all that  
much. I did manage to scare up a single "red" Fox Sparrow & there may  
have been a few of them still about, while the White-throated Sparrow  
numbers were again reinvigorated with a freshly-arrived batch, in the  
thousands but, I thought, less numerous than the 4 April push, which  
was surprisingly rapid-moving. These are generally a species that, in  
addition to the many that overwinter in Manhattan and doubteless other  
urban NY greenspaces, are often at least modestly lingering in a  
springtime push of fresh migrants. In any case they will typically be  
around in numbers up until just about the date of the first of the  
good (usually in or close to May) pushes of true neotropical-wintering  
spp. with numbers of the more common "may" migrants arrivals. After  
that they typically diminish quickly in the city, even though a very  
few may summer (non-breeding though).  Speaking of neotropicals, an  
early-ish Chimney Swift was going by Inwood Hill Park in the afternoon  
however this is not the first sighting of the year in Manhattan, as a  
few others had been seen recently, as single flyovers from what I'd  
heard about. On days with multiple Chimney Swifts starting to appear  
in April one may also notice a corresponding movement of other  
neotropical migrants.

For the most part the day's migrations seemed to be made of rather  
typical arrivals and with numbers neither especially low nor high. A  
few species seemed lacking even if seen by some, such as Blue-gray  
Gnatcatcher which ought to be found in much higher no's any day now...  
and likely will be.  Many of today's arrivals of Yellow-rumped  
[Myrtle] Warblers were in bright plumage, and that can signal  
additional migration soon to follow.  There was not a tremendous  
amount of song in the city parks, as the arrivals seemed to be quite  
intent on feeding, but in some cases the singing was evident and I  
heard at least a bit of a dawn chorus, in the first hour or less after  
first light.  I'll post a full list on Sunday that may include today's  
sightings or just Sunday's if there are any new additions which seems  
quite possible, as will be over much of the next 6+ weeks in our city  
parks.  Thanks to all those who reported sightings and mentioned some  
by word-of-mouth.

Good birding - hoping for a little rain as it is needed here...

Tom Fiore,


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