Joe Giunta's Brooklyn Botanical Garden birding class visited Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, 2 June, to look for and view breeding birds in a somewhat different habitat than the city parks.. The approx. 15 participants met at the entrance and drove past a series of open fields with a "bluebird trail" (a series of bird houses on small posts along side of the road). Naturally, all were occupied by EASTERN BLUEBIRDS. Along the edges of the fields, we found INDIGO BUNTING and CHIPPING SPARROW. Driving back, we added WILD TURKEY.
When we reach the first of the picnic areas we stopped at, we entered the woods finding, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO, EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE, GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER, WOOD THRUSH, RED-EYED VIREO, OVENBIRD, LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH and SCARLET TANAGER. All were singing and allowed close views for most. As we returned for lunch, we encountered an EASTERN PHOEBE. At the second picnic area, we found BLUE-WINGED WARBLER and PRAIRIE WARBLER. Overhead were TURKEY VULTURE, 1 BLACK VULTURE and a RED-TAILED HAWK. Leaving the county park we drove over to a reservoir where there is a colony of breeding CLIFF SWALLOWS. In all 42 species. --Sy Schiff for the group. -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --