Date: Saturday, 2 June 2012 (2:50p-6:25p)
Location: Bryant Park - between 40th & 42nd St. off 6th Ave.
Reported by: Ben Cacace

Weather for 2-Jun for Central Park (2:51p-6:51p) < >:
- Conditions: Clear to Mostly Cloudy
- Temperature: 72.0 to 68.0 F
- Wind direction: N - WNW
- Wind speed: Calm - 8 mph (gusts to 18 mph)

I did a similar multiple hour visit to yesterday's 13 spp. but the totals
were lower today. Certainly a bit of luck plays a role and some of the
species seen yesterday were possibly still around but missed.

The only additional bird was a BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER feeding on the
ground in the SW border garden of the Great Lawn. The total number of
warbler species over the 2 days is 6 with Northern Waterthrush & Blackpoll
Warbler missed this afternoon. The YELLOW WARBLER continues in the trees
along the east side of the New York Public Library in the Locusts & London
Plane trees north of the lions. It was heard singing briefly.

One of several OVENBIRDS on the west side of of the library continues to
sing south of the Great Lawn and a SWAINSON'S THRUSH continues in the
southeast storage of the park.

** Total species - 9 **

Personal abundance categories based on over 160 visits to the park.

'Rare' seen several times [1 spp]:
- Yellow Warbler - 1 male continues on E side on NYPL N of the lions in
Locusts, heard singing briefly

'Uncommon' seen less than 1 out 10 visits [2 spp]:
- Swainson's Thrush - 1 continues in the SE storage area
- Black-and-white Warbler - 1 on ground near SW border garden to the Great

'Common' seen 1-7 out of every 10 visits [3 spp]:
- Gray Catbird - 2+ with 1 in NE border garden & 1 SW border garden
- Ovenbird - 2+ incl. 1 singing S of the Great Lawn & 1 is SE border garden
plus 1 in NE border garden
- Common Yellowthroat - 4+ females incl. 1 N of lions in hedges & 1 in
Locusts; 1 finished bathing near SE storage area; 1 in NE border garden
missing forehead feathers

'Abundant' seen more than 7 out of every 10 visits [3 spp]:
- Rock Pigeon - 36+
- White-throated Sparrow - 1 in SE border garden to the Great Lawn
- House Sparrow - 50+

Taxonomic order:

- Rock Pigeon - 36+

- Swainson's Thrush - 1 continues in the SE storage area

- Gray Catbird - 2+ with 1 in NE border garden & 1 SW border garden

- Yellow Warbler - 1 male continues on E side on NYPL N of the lions in
Locusts, heard singing briefly
- Black-and-white Warbler - 1 on ground near SW border garden to the Great
- Ovenbird - 2+ incl. 1 singing S of the Great Lawn & 1 is SE border garden
plus 1 in NE border garden
- Common Yellowthroat - 4+ females incl. 1 N of lions in hedges & 1 in
Locusts; 1 finished bathing near SE storage area; 1 in NE border garden
missing forehead feathers

- White-throated Sparrow - 1 in SE border garden to the Great Lawn

- House Sparrow - 50+


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