Today, between 1030 & 1315, Tom Moran and I birded the north end of the East 
Pond at JBWR. We saw neither the # of species, nor the the # of individuals 
that Andrew Baksh saw, but we did see our target birds, plus a specie which he 
didn't mention.
There was a fair # of birds to check from the pond's north entrance to s/o the 
North Island (because of time constraints, we wound up only walking as far as 
the 1st "phrag corner" that allowed us to see The Raunt. We found "Rufous Ruff" 
as advertised, s/o the N.I., on the e/s of the pond. S/o Mud Cove on the w/s, 
we had 4 Stilt Sandpipers feeding, alongside 7 Short-billed Dowitchers, for 
good body size, bill size/shape and feeding style comparisons. We were also 
treated to 3 Gull-billed Terns (2 in flight/feeding, the other resting & 
preening on the N.I. All 3 of these species were firsts for Tom !
We also saw many of the other shorebird species which Andrew reported, as well 
as some of the commoner gulls, terns, wading birds, and land birds, including 2 
singing Marsh Wrens.
On my way home from Shoreham, after being dropped off by Tom, I had 2 Turkey 
Vultures working on a carcass in the 1st field e/o the Lewin Farm Store, on the 
s/s of Sound Ave, in Wading River. Another surprise awaited me on Roanoke Ave, 
s/o the Tuccio Buffalo Farm in Riverhead, when a cock Ring-necked Pheasant 
crossed the road ! At that point (with only about 5 minutes to go) the thought 
did occur to me to take a much longer way home !


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