Just got off the phone with Joseph Murray  - DEC is "unoffially" accepting 
comments until Monday. So far they've received over 50 letters. Make sure you 
address issues specific to the Incidental Take Permit and not only that you 
don't want the park developed. 

In addition to letters to DEC, here is a list of issues that need to be 
addressed to the Shawangunk Town Board, as a group and, as important, to 
individual board members:


---does the town really need more recreational facilities?
---on what basis have they decided this?

      ---what plan? by whom? when?
      ---town board "seat of the pants" ?
      ---recreation committee ?
      ---contracted recreation consultant ?


---what precisely is the role of Jehovah's Witness (JW) ?
---who is the legally responsible party
---who does design work ? site work (drainage, grading, etc) ?
---who does construction?
---who bears legal liabilities for  design flaws, shoddy construction, material 
failures, etc?
---the Town is obviously liable so--is there a contract with the JW ? has it 
been OKed by the Town Atty?


---ask about the MONEY
---how much, sources, justification for expenditure?

Spread the word, especially to the local community!!

Larry Federman


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