I have been a bit lax about posting my sightings lately, but haven't spotted 
any real rarities so figured it wasn't too time-sensitive.
I wanted to mention the incredible movement of thrushes I noticed over the 
weekend: I led an NYC Audubon walk to the NY Botanical Garden on Saturday 
(concurrent with Debbie's walk) and we had at least a dozen, maybe as many as 
20 Swainson's Thrushes, they seemed to be in or under every shrub.  I also saw 
about 5 Veerys and heard numerous Wood Thrushes singing.  I don't ever recall 
seeing so many Swainson's, they must've flown in the night before.  I also had 
one singing at Wave Hill the following day (this past Sunday), which is unusual 
during migration, especially at 11 AM.
There was also a big oriole movement, with Baltimore Orioles all over the place 
at NYBG on Saturday and at Wave Hill on Sunday, and a male Orchard Oriole 
spotted at Wave Hill too.
Many birds seemed to be reveling in the sunny weather over the weekend (as was 
I): we witnessed the entertaining and odd behavior of birds sun-bathing.  A 
male Yellow-rumped Warbler was sprawled out lengthwise along a twig, with his 
neck extended so his chin and bill lay along the branch, and his wings were 
spread on either side of it.  Later we saw a Swainson's Thrush on the ground in 
a patch of sun, feathers fluffed and wings spread in a similar fashion.  It 
could have been anting, but I suspect it was simply enjoying the warmth.
Other sightings of note recently have included a lingering Swamp Sparrow and a 
Lincoln's Sparrow yesterday in Bryant Park, along with huge numbers of newly 
arrived Common Yellowthroats (at least 20, mostly in the treetops, which was 
strange for this species) numerous Ovenbirds, Redstarts, a Northern Waterthrush 
(unusual for Bryant Park), and a singing male Blackpoll Warbler. 
In Central Park yesterday evening my group had several Magnolia Warblers, many 
Northern Parulas, a singing male Chestnut-sided Warbler, and a White-eyed 
Vireo, among other species.
I have another tour in Central Park tonight, but don't have high hopes given 
the rain.
Good birding,
Gabriel WillowNYC Audubon

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