There was a great movement of birds, butterflies, and dragonflies along the beaches today. Merlins were snagging dragonflies and snacking on the wing. Several large groups of swallows (mostly tree with some bank seen) heading west from robert moses and the ocean parkway lead to a massive swirling flight of swallows at jones beach. One of the highlights at jones was a hatching year gray-cheeked type thrush seen along the median near the coast guard station. The bird had a very plain smooth olive brown face; no mottling. I did not note any warmer tones in the tail or the primaries, but it was heavily shadowed while I was viewing it. The bird seemed smaller than a swainson's thrush that was also seen in the area, but this is poor evidence in support of Bicknell's. Purple finch, clay-colored, savannah, white-throated, and dark-eyed junco sparrows were also present.
-- *Chase Cammarota* babylon, ny -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --