Multiple migrants in the backyard this morning provided motivation to put
work on hold for some storm birding.  I was hoping to get some Gull action
out east, so I started at Jones Beach.  Birding in the rain there was not
very productive as the birds sought shelter.  The West End parking lot
usually good for gulls in this weather was a bust.  However, the spit near
the Coast Guard Station had an impressive number of shorebirds; several
passes through the flocks of birds did not produce anything out of the
norm.  140 *Forsters Terns*, 27 *Red Knots* and an estimated 600 *Black
Skimmers* were the highlights there.

Continuing east, the Field 6 parking lot at Jones produced my first *Lesser
Black-backed Gull* of the day.  At Zachs Bay near the shrubbery immediately
after the underpass, I found a rather drab looking *Yellow-breasted Chat*,
that looked good for a juvenile bird.

At Tobay Beach, I had 3 *Lesser Black-backed Gulls*, loafing in the parking
lot (all adults), bringing my total of LBBGs to 4 for the day.  Later on at
Robert Moses field 2, I had nice looks at a *Clay Colored Sparrow* near the
volley ball courts.  Not a lot of birds on the barrier beach, but still a
good day to be out storm birding!

Good Birding!

Andrew Baksh
Queens NY


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