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Shane Blodgett
Brooklyn NY

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 4, 2012, at 5:05 PM, "Richard Guthrie" <> wrote:

> Review of photos lead some to believe the bird in question was actually a
> 3rd yr. Great Black-backed Gull. The observers state that there appeared to
> be a noticeable and distinctive size difference. The bird was said to be
> comparable to Herring Gull in size. There are no pictures of the bird in
> flight.
> Pictures are at: 
> ew?picmode=large&mode=tn&order=ordinal&start=321&dir=asc
> The location is at the Cohoes Flats - a section of the Mohawk River that
> separates Albany and Saratoga Counties. Access is tricky, but there are two
> public viewing areas overlooking the hydro-electric dam and downstream
> flats. If anyone is interested, I can provide access details. 
> Thoughts?
> Rich Guthrie
> New Baltimore
> The Greene County
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Andrew Baksh
> Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 11:29 AM
> To: eBirds NYC
> Subject: [ebirdsnyc] Fwd: [nysbirds-l] Poss SLATY-BACKED GULL -
> Cohoes/Waterford
> FYI...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Richard Guthrie <>
> Date: Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 10:59 AM
> Subject: [nysbirds-l] Poss SLATY-BACKED GULL - Cohoes/Waterford
> To: HMBirds Yahoogroups <>, NYSBIRDS-L <
> Bill Lee, and his Thursday group, has what they believe to be a
> SLATY-BACKED GULL (an Asian species - which has been recorded a few times
> in New York State) on the dam at Cohoes/Waterford.****
> ** **
> Latest word at 10:55 AM Oct. 4th is that it has just left, flying north up
> the Mohawk River in the direction of the Colonie landfill.****
> ** **
> Rich Guthrie****
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