My first bird yesterday was an Eastern Screech Owl calling outside my house
in Stony Brook (Suffolk Co.), a welcome sound after an uneasy night. After
that, my search for storm-carried birds and sites to look for them was
frustrating. I could not gain access to Oldfield Point, Setauket,and I knew
there would be no access to the ocean along the south shore, so I drove to
Lake Ronkonkoma, where I saw only a few White-winged Scoters (and many
American Wigeons and Ruddy Ducks), and thence to Patchogue Lake, where I
saw no exceptional species. A search for a view of the bay in Bellport
yielded only a narrow view at a considerable distance up an avenue, because
of high water. I decided to go to the north shore, following the example of
Patricia Lindsay and Shai Mitra, who were headed for Orient Point. During
a half-hour watch from the end of Hulse Landing Road, in Baiting Hollow, I
saw Surf Scoters, ca. 45 Common Loons, and my one significant sighting, a
very distant PTERODROMA petrel, arcing high on stiff, somewhat bent wings.
Black-capped Petrel is most likely, but although I could see a white venter
and possibly some dorsal patterning, it was too far to be identified.  I
then drove to Horton's Point, Southold, where I saw only scoters and
several Northern Gannets in ca. 45 minutes. From there, I joined Patricia
and Shai at Orient Point County Park. During the subsquent 1 1/2 hours, we
observed a tight group of 3 POMARINE JAEGERS and 1 PARASITIC JAEGER, a very
distant flock of ca. 8 unidentified jaegers, small flocks of Common and
Forster's Terns, 1 Bonaparte's Gull, and several Gannets. All these birds
were moving eastward.

Douglas Futuyma
Stony Brook, NY


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