It was rather windy and chilly today at the eastern tip of Long Island,
with some good sized waves coming ashore on both the north and south sides
of the peninsula. Seawatching from Montauk Point (Suffolk Co.) this morning
produced a basic-plumaged adult PACIFIC LOON that flew round from the south
side of the lighthouse, did a leisurely loop and then dropped down among
the waves about 500 yards east of the Point. Unfortunately despite seeing
it land, I lost the bird almost immediately and did not see it again over
the next half hour nor during an early afternoon visit, even though the
number of loons on view had increased. This is third sighting of Pacific
Loon from the Point since November.

Also seen from the Point were, a lone DOVEKIE, a 1st winter GLAUCOUS GULL,
1st winter and adult ICELAND GULLS (all three white-winged gulls joining
the roosting flock on the beach for a few minutes) and a decent number of
RAZORBILLS (73 in a 1-h count). A raft of 33 Long-tailed Ducks, all female
types, over the reef east of the lighthouse gave me some pause until they
came close enough to be positively identified. The absence of any adult
males in this group and the tight rafting behavior seemed most
uncharacteristic. A different 1st winter ICELAND GULL was at the Montauk
Inlet along with more Razorbills. The only landbirds of note were a flock
of RED CROSSBILLS (10) in some pines along East Lake Drive.

I was unable to find the 1st-winter Black-headed Gull that's been seen
several times at the inlet in the past month. Likewise I dipped on the
Eurasian Wigeon that has frequented Rita's pond and also the Snowy Owl that
sometimes roosts on Hick's Island (viewed from Lazy Point) at the head of
Napeague Harbor.

Angus Wilson
New York City & The Springs, NY, USA


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