After missing the Tufted Duck this morning by minutes, Tom Burke, Gail
Benson and I began the search in trying to locate where this bird hangs out
after leaving the docks it has frequented overnight.  Our search party was
joined by Michael McBrien and his dad, Eric Miller and Jeff Ritter who
split off as part of our strategy to expand the coverage area.

While birding on East Shore Rd near Harbor Beach Club, Tom Burke and I
picked up an alcid way across on the other side of the basin swimming near
private docks.  We worked it over and decided that it fit the profile for a
*DOVEKIE*.  In that same area we noted a shorebird; although, the bird did
display some behavior of a "Spotted Sandpiper", it was cautiously
identified as a shorebird sp. due to the distance of the subject.

Later on, we found an area closer to the location of these two bird and
confirmed the ID of both birds to be *DOVEKIE* and *SPOTTED SANDPIPER*, the
latter carefully studied to eliminate "COMMON SANDPIPER".  After the
McBrien's departed, the rest of us continued to work the area despite the
chilly and windy conditions which did not let up all day.

We made another pass for the DOVEKIE later in the day as we went back over
areas we had looked earlier for the TUDU (Tufted Duck), but the Dovekie was
NOT seen.  Note however, that this was during low tide as opposed to high
tide which was when it was found. If you are interested in looking for the
DOVEKIE and or SPOTTED SANDPIPER, your best bet is to look from the parking
lot of *Gold Star Battalion Beach*.  Both birds were last seen in a North
Easterly direction.  Scan the edges of all the docks in that area/direction.

Part of our strategy in looking for the Tufted Duck, was to locate the
Scaup flock that was supposed to be in the area.  Later in the afternoon (
around 3:30 p.m.), we finally caught up with the Scaup flock we were
looking for all day, while scoping at the dead end of "South Down Rd."  The
viewing conditions were extremely tough as we tried to use our vehicles to
shield from the wind and balance ourselves while trying to scope two rafts
of Scaup in very choppy waves.  One raft was located midway in the bay and
the other along the far shore, which ran along Lloyd Harbor Rd.  It was in
the flock of Scaup along the far shore that somehow Tom Burke "brilliantly"
picked out the *TUFTED DUCK*.

Jeff Ritter and Eric Miller were contacted and they found a closer spot to
view the flock on the other side and we soon joined them.  Later on, we
were joined by Brent Bomkamp *(the initial finder of the TUDU)*, Brendan
Fogarty, Benjamin Van Doren and Jacob Drucker, who all got to see the
bird.  Other notable birds seen during our Tufted Duck search included 2 *BALD

Good Winter Birding!

Andrew Baksh
Queens, NY

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 4:18 PM, Andrew Baksh <> wrote:

> Paid off to not giving up!  Currently being seen in a flock of Scaup
> off Lloyd Harbor Road.  Observed with Eric Miller, Jeff Ritter, Tom
> Burke, Gail Benson and some other birders who just arrived.
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!
> Andrew Baksh
> On Dec 22, 2012, at 9:55 AM, Andrew Baksh <> wrote:
> > The Tufted Duck was seen briefly around 7:15 a.m. by others but has
> > not been since after flying off in a north westerly direction.  The
> > bird was apparently near the police boats which I think, is near West
> > Marine.
> >
> > Excellent consolation birds seen so far include Dovekie and Spotted
> > Sandpiper.  Observed with Tom Burke, Gail Benson and the McBrides
> > (Michael and his dad).
> >
> > I'll post an update if we refind the TUDU.
> >
> > Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!
> >
> > Andrew Baksh
> >


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