The day finally came - I saw my FOS Red Crossbill...10 of them, in fact. How it 
came about, was the best part of the experience !
With 3, out of 4, Rockville Centre grandsons having basketball games 
yesterday(starting at 3 PM) I talked RuthAnn into going up island early, so I 
could try for the "reds" reported from Jones Beach the day before. When we 
reached the Connors' residence, I asked (like I always do) if anyone wanted to 
go with me, and lo and behold, 2 of the boys said yes...I was shocked ! Even 
though I had to wait while they finished lunch, it didn't matter - I used the 
time to tell them what our "target bird" was going to be, as well as other 
species we might see. 
Once we were on the Meadowbrook Pkwy., s/o Montauk Hgwy., "all hands were on 
deck, with all eyes on stations" ! Not finding any birds getting down to J.B., 
I decided  to "troll" a bit,   heading for 'The Tower", and the possibilities 
it held, before doing the "West End". This strategy proved successful, in the 
shape of a roosting, adult Peregrine Falcon...which really thrilled Brian (age 
14) and Brady (age 6). The only negative attached to this sighting was due to 
my forgetting to include the spotting scope, when I switched to my wife's 
Prius, for better gas mileage. Brian had no problem seeing the bird well with 
just binoculars, but Brady did. The scope would have helped him make out the 
peregrine's facial and breast features. 
Riding this high, we drove to the W.E., and were close to 1/2 way around the 
median, when I saw a group of 6 birds (all the "right" size) at the top of the 
tallest bare tree, just before the turn around. Pulling off the road, and 
leaving the boys in the car, I approached the birds until I could make-out 
their bill shape and plumage, no easy task because of the back-lighting. 
Returning to the car, I had the boys get out and walk over to beyond the tree, 
in order to best see those field marks, while I parked the car and caught up 
with them. Turning into the Coast Guard p/lot, I found Mike Cooper setting his 
scope up to view the Red Crossbills that had just landed in a nearby tree. 
After taking a look myself, I asked Mike if he could wait while I collected the 
guys and brought them back for better looks at the birds through the scope -  
Mike said sure and off I went. Upon arrival, I found the birds had taken off, 
but not before the boys had seen their bill shape and plumage. Needless to say, 
they were very proud of was I. When we drove around to Mike's 
location, we found out the birds (10 of them - all reds) had just left. After a 
little talk re: this year's NYSOA Annual Meeting, we parted company, Mike on 
foot, us by car. Once again, in the same tall tree, were the Red 
Crossbills...only this time there were 10. Signaling back to Mike, we got his 
attention, he got the message, and the boys got the pleasure of seeing the 
crossbills "up close and personal".! It was a wonderful experience for all of 
us. including Mike !
As we were leaving the W.E., we past a flock of  Brant feeding on the grass in 
the median, which gave Brian and Brady "hat trick's" for the day...I wonder if 
they'll ever have "life-lists" ? One can only hope and pray !
Cheers,Bob...P.S. In regards to the basketball games, there was one win, one 
loss and one game where the score was not kept...making all of the 6 year old's 
winners ! 


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