Based on off-line replies, it appears there are indeed TWO Tufted Ducks in central Long Island, with simultaneous sightings of the Heckscher Park and Blydenburgh Park birds yesterday. Differences in plumage details further support this conclusion.
The question now is whether one or other of these birds accounts for the Cold Spring Harbor bird. A couple of astute observers felt the bird on St Johns Pond differed from the Huntington Harbor bird although the viewing conditions were not ideal for making comparisons of similar aged birds. Scrutiny of dated photos might shed some light on this. Clearly this has been an exceptional years for Tufted Ducks in New York State with multiple males upstate as well. This parallels an influx of Eurasian Wigeon, with perhaps a record setting number of individuals present on Long Island this winter, including several females. I can only think there must be one or two female Tufted Ducks paddling around somewhere as yet undetected so check those scaup flocks carefully! My thanks to Deborah Allen, Cory Finger, Doug Gochfeld, Charleen Turner and Peter Scully for images or information. Angus Wilson New York City -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --