Seen on slope at 9:00

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-----Original message-----
From: Tom Preston <>
To: "& [NYSBIRDS]" <>
Sent: Sat, Mar 9, 2013 12:58:28 GMT+00:00
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Prospect park varied thrush yes

Spotted by Sean Zimmer. S of bridge. We watched for about 5 minutes before
it moved upslope
On Mar 9, 2013 1:09 AM, "& [NYSBIRDS] digest" <>

> NYSBIRDS-L Digest for Friday, March 08, 2013.
> 1. Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls AND eBird
> corporate" stance & related future eBird changes
> 2. Re: Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls AND
> eBird corporate" stance & related future eBird changes
> 3. Varied Thrush- Prospect Park
> 4. Varied Thrush
> 5. VARIED THRUSH in Prospect Park ( Kings)
> 6. Brooklyn Varied Thrush follow-up
> 7. Varied Thrush - Prospect Park
> 8. Re: Varied Thrush, Brooklyn
> 9. Re: Brooklyn Varied Thrush follow-up
> 10. Varied Thrush - Prospect Park, Bklyn.
> 11. Photos of Varied Thrush
> 12. Spring Shorebird Migration Volunteers Needed
> 13. BirdCallsRadio Update!
> 14. NYC Area RBA: 8 March 2013
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls AND
> eBird corporate" stance & related future eBird changes
> From: Andrew Baksh <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 07:51:31 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 1
> Good Morning All:
> Marshall Illiff, eBird Project Leader has given me permission to re-post  
> e-mail submitted by him to the Maryland (MD) list serve, in response to a
> discussion on the disturbance of Long-Eared Owls.  Marshall's response on
> the MD list serve, highlights the understanding of eBird personnel on the
> challenges faced by birders on the reporting of sensitive species and
> discusses related changes coming soon to eBird to address this and other
> reporting issues.
> I recommend reading Marshall's write-up in its entirety or at the very
> least, read the end. I think you will find it gives hope for the continued
> use of eBird for entering sensitive species, while protecting the birds we
> love.
> Good and Responsible Birding!
> Andrew Baksh
> Queens, NY
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Marshall Iliff <>
> Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 7:31 AM
> Subject: Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls
> To: Andrew Baksh <>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Marshall Iliff <>
> Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls
> To:
> MDBirding,
> As many of you may know, I am an ex-Marylander, still have family in
> Annapolis, and live now in Massachusetts. I feel quite nostalgic for my
> home state, especially when I see how much Maryland has embraced eBird and
> what a vibrant, curious, and interesting community of birders Maryland  
> as evidenced by discussions like this and others on MDBirding. The topic  
> this case is an unfortunate one, but it is not one that is unique to
> Maryland.
> I think Bill, Matt and others have provided some great comments and
> guidance for this issue in general. I'd like to specifically address where
> eBird is on this. You can consider this the "eBird corporate" stance, if
> you will, as Bill is fond of saying :-).
> First, the issue of sensitive species is one that has been on our radar
> screen for a long time at the Cornell Lab as we have tried to grow eBird.
> There has always been tension between the two ideas that have been
> mentioned: on the one hand, we want the birds that we love to be safe and
> do not want actions by birders or photographers to negatively impact the
> birds as they seek them out and enjoy them in the field; on the other  
> we also firmly believe that the scientific value, usefulness as a tool for
> birdwatchers, and, importantly, the conservation value of the bird
> information in eBird is most helpful when birds are reported at the finest
> (most specific) scale possible. Reporting a Scarlet Tanager sighting from
> "Maryland" is not worthless, but not very informative. Reporting it as
> "Anne Arundel County", is slightly better, and from the town of  
> better still. Reporting it from the hotspot that represents the 80-acre
> property on the South River starts to get even more specific and truly
> valuable for understanding the relationship of the bird to the habitat it
> was using, and this is what we hope most eBirders are doing. Obviously one
> could report at even finer scales, maybe from the 20 acre woodland near
> Forest Drive that is the actual habitat where 2-3 Scarlet Tanager
> territories still persist; I could even do a stationary count at the exact
> spot where I saw or heard the tanager. Our official eBird recommendations
> are "the finer scale the better" and if I divided my one-mile morning
> birdwalks on this property into 50 sections of 100 ft each, that would be  
> fantastic dataset. But no one has the time to do that, so our general rule
> is try to keep your traveling counts to five miles or less, try to report
> from the most accurate location possible and try to use established
> hotspots when possible. If you are willing to establish a route of point
> counts or short transects and survey those regularly, eBird welcomes that,
> but many of us are busy. Those that submit from "Blackwater NWR" or
> "Assateague National Seashore" are still providing very valuable data,  
> if the traveling counts are apt to be long and those hotspots represent
> large areas.
>  So with that stance that we want fine-scale reports, how then can we
> balance the very real problems with sensitive species?
> I should say at the outset, that the Maryland eBird reviewers, and Bill in
> particular, have regularly been very helpful to those of us at "eBird
> Central" to defining policies on sensitive species. Recognizing that such
> cases are rare, we also have to acknowledge that serious ethical (or  
> breaches *do* occur. A short list of the sensitive species problems that
> eBird users have been involved with include: failure to follow established
> protocol for access to birding sites; trespassing on private personal
> property; trespassing on federal property; visitation of highly restricted
> scientific research stations involved in the study and protection of
> Endangered species; disturbance of rare/sensitive species; and even, at
> least once, targeted hunting (successfully) rare ducks reported via eBird.
> Of course, the recent Long-eared Owl issue may be connected to eBird as
> well.
> Although these examples are all rare, they are also very concerning. While
> eBird is not really directly responsible for the unethical or illegal
> actions of a very small minority of inconsiderate
> birders/photographers/hunters, eBird does have great responsibility as the
> gatekeepers to an unprecedented database (now 120 million records and
> growing) on bird occurrence and distribution. We work hard to make the
> information free and available, but we need to do this responsibly.
> We are at a point now where the old methods -- entrusting birders to  
> responsibly and understand the nuances of site specificity and the myriad
> output tools in eBird -- simply is no longer tenable. We are proud of the
> enthusiasm around eBird Rarity Alerts and eBird Needs Alerts, but we also
> see the danger with instantly feeding out "needed" birds in ways that  
> be controlled. Bachman's Warblers are presumed extinct, but if a Bachman's
> Warbler is found in the Great Dismal Swamp in April 2013 and reported with
> site specific directions on eBird, those details will literally be
> available to the entire community of eBird users--even those without
> accounts--within an hour. While this is also true of a listserv posting, I
> think we can all agree that if a single pair of Bachman's Warblers remains
> in the world, the best thing for that species' survival may *not* be to
> have birders know about it. Even if 99.9% of us are respectful, I can
> pretty much guarantee that some birders will sneak in, disobey rules, play
> tape to the pair, try to find the nest, and stalk both male and female
> relentlessly for photos. While I understand that impulse, I worry about
> eBird's role in adding to the pressure for rare and sensitive species
> simply through providing 21st century era information exchange. While we
> inherently believe that information exchange is good in almost all cases,
> all of us should think first before putting any bird information out on  
> internet (eBird or listservs), just in case it is one of those rare cases
> where it may cause more harm than good.
> To that end, eBird is committed to revising the tools available to hide or
> obscure reports. This will almost certainly involve better tools for a
> user, that allow one to hide a specific observation from eBird output
> (currently one can only hide an entire checklist) or to hide or obscure a
> specific personal location. For mapped output, we also expect to implement
> a structure whereby some species of high concern will be automatically
> "blurred". Once this is implemented, we will recommend that the Maryland
> editor team "blur" Long-eared Owls. This would mean that anyone can report
> Long-eared Owl from Maryland when they find one, but it will not be
> possible to find the specific information via eBird output tools. We may
> even need a way to obscure the reporter of such birds, so that that
> individual is not hounded by others saying "I know you had a Long-eared
> Owl, tell me where. Tell Me Where! TELL ME WHERE!!!!"
> We hope and expect this "blurring" will be used only in very very few
> cases, but when species are truly sensitive and their very safety may be  
> risk from birder attention, we simply have to modify eBird to protect  
> This is especially critical in the United Kingdom. Last time I visited I
> was taken to see raptor species in one of the last locations for the
> species in the country. To make sure that I didn't put the bird at risk  
> reporting to eBird), I was told stories about egg collectors who learned  
> another location, snuck in past wardens assigned to protect the birds,
> found the nest, and stole the entire clutch. Thankfully this type of
> behavior is rare to nonexistent in the U.S., but I have heard of goshawk
> and Peregrine nests being raided by falconers, so American birds are  
> at risk from similar activity.
> I am posting not to address this specific situation, but simply to plant a
> flag that eBird will deal with this issue comprehensively in the near
> future (for us that means within the year, or so), and that in the  
> we would like to stress again that birders that use eBird (by the way,
> thank you for reporting to eBird!) think about what cases you may need to
> modify your reporting for the bird's benefit. I know Bill and others have
> posted it here before, but our story on the topic does address the
> important cases and how to approach them:
> If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and thanks for your support  
> eBird. I'll post a more lighthearted followup.
> Best,
> Marshall Iliff
> eBird Project Leader
> West Roxbury, MA
> miliff AT
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:51 AM, world oceans <
> >wrote:
> > This is a good dialogue on a very important topic. Thank you, Bill,
> > for your informative discussion of this . I don't know which is more
> > disturbing , the disregard for owls' welfare or the ego-  driven
> > animosity that surfaces too often among birders . As a person who has
> > loved and studied owls all my life, I can tell you that many birders
> > want to see owls so much, they will do almost anything to make that
> > happen. The bottom line which we all must remember is that the birds'
> > well-being is ALWAYS more important than our lists or selfish desires
> > -- no exceptions, no excuses, no 'it wont matter just this once '
> > justifications.
> >
> > James Gibson
> > Silver Spring
> >
> > On 2/6/13, jflowers <> wrote:
> > > On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 10:00:24 PM UTC-5, Bill Hubick wrote:
> > >> All,
> > >>
> > >> I received a highly troubling report today that a known
> > >> Long-eared Owl roost site has been seriously disturbed. It appears
> > >> someone has cut branches from the roost tree to allow for better
> > >> photography. The cuts were fresh, only on the roost tree, and clearly
> > >> not part of a larger park maintenance effort. At least one of the
> > >> branches cut was described as being nearly the width of the  
> > >> arm.
> > >>  Horrible.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> The topic of sensitive species has received some recent discussion,
> > >> with the more vocal parties being on the "why is information being
> > >> suppressed?" side. Unfortunately, unacceptable events like this one
> have
> > >>  happened many times before. It is the significantly increased risk  
> > >> events like this that makes open discussion of sensitive species so
> > >> dangerous. In most cases, it's not a problem if
> > >>  a few more respectful people observe from a distance. However, as
> > >> traffic increases, the likelihood of poor behavior drastically
> > >> increases. One could argue that education is the key ("don't keep it
> > >> secret | tell people how to behave"), but people who do something  
> > >> this aren't just lacking mentoring. The changes in the communication
> of
> > >> bird sightings in the last five years can hardly be overstated. We
> have
> > a
> > >>  primary list-serve at record-setting membership that is supplemented
> by
> > >>  many new members. We have a Maryland Facebook page attracting many
> new
> > >> and enthusiastic people. We are also one of the states with the most
> > >> comprehensive eBird buy-in in the country. And eBird, of course, has
> > >> fundamentally changed how we share our sightings, with the various
> > >> hourly "needs" alerts that are so popular certainly factoring in
> heavily
> > >>  in these cases. These are all very good things, and I actively
> > >> support all of them. The wider net is a great thing and is not
> > >>  going away. That said, these technological changes certainly have a
> lot
> > >> to do
> > >> with the increased attention these Long-eared Owls have received.
> > >> Balancing transparency and sensitivity is going to remain a  
> > >> and self-policing what is shared, when, and how needs to be further
> > >> considered.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> This list-serve just yesterday amended its guidelines to explicitly
> > >> state that locations for Long-eared Owls are not allowed. I am a
> > >> Maryland eBird reviewer and I personally lean toward hiding all
> specific
> > >>  locations for LEOW there as well. However, I must discus that  
> > >> as part of a team and with input from corporate eBird. This is far
> from
> > a
> > >>  black-and-white issue. The "we can't protect it if we don't know  
> > >> there" argument is sound. But how do you balance that with "we know
> > >> we're not protecting them when we're sawing @#$#*% branches off their
> > >> roost trees"? So as a reviewer, I assure you we will revisit this
> topic.
> > >>  In the mean time, remember that eBird is a
> > >>  public communication tool like this list-serve. You can make
> decisions
> > >> to use the "hide" functionality, to report such species at the county
> > >> level, and so on. More importantly, you can encourage others to do  
> > >> same. Whatever suggestions you make, please do so politely. There  
> > >> been some barbs thrown recently that were unwarranted. This  
> > >> wants productive discussion of such topics, but will cut off any
> threads
> > >>  that turn into flame wars.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Our growth as a nature study community only matters if we find ways  
> > >> harness it for good things. Let's find ways to do so.
> > >>
> > >> Bill
> > >>
> > >> Bill Hubick
> > >> Pasadena, Maryland
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > > This is truly annoying Bill! However, are you sure it was a
> photographer
> > > that did this?  It might and does make sense, but pinning that on a
> > > photographer unless knowing this for sure might be jumping the gun a
> > bit. No
> > > matter who the culprit was he or she needs to be educated as to the
> > > sensitivity of this species.
> > >
> > > My concern for your diagnoses is that there is already enough  
> > > between birders and photographers as it is. I say this with concern as
> I
> > am
> > > both a birder and an avian photographer and I have witnessed rudeness
> and
> > > bad behavior by both birders and photographers more than I care to
> admit.
> > >
> > > I remember several occasions last year sitting in my car on a little
> but
> > > well known road in western Maryland with a camera and 800mm lens on a
> > bean
> > > bag in my window while a few large groups of birders were stomping  
> > the
> > > breeding habitat of Golden-winged Warblers. I was so angry you could
> have
> > > fried an egg with my breath.
> > >
> > > But I will say that I'm sorry that someone wanted a look or a
> photograph
> > of
> > > this species without any concern for it. There is no excuse for that!
> We
> > > needd to better police our fellow birders and photographers.
> > >
> > > JIm
> > >
> > > --
> > > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Group
> > > 'Maryland & DC Birding'.
> > > To view group guidelines or change email preferences, visit this group
> on
> > > the web at
> > > Posts can be sent to the group by sending an email to
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> --
> ****************************
> Marshall J. Iliff
> miliff AT
>  West Roxbury, MA
> ****************************
> eBird/AKN Project Leader
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> Ithaca, NY
> ****************************
> --
> ****************************
> Marshall J. Iliff
> miliff AT
> West Roxbury, MA
> ****************************
> eBird/AKN Project Leader
> Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> Ithaca, NY
> ****************************
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls
> AND eBird corporate" stance & related future eBird changes
> From: Hugh McGuinness <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 08:48:45 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 2
> Just as an FYI, everyone should know that it turned out that these
> particular Long-eared Owls were not subjected to purposeful disturbance.
> The story: some branches were cut on their roost tree. Everyone presumed
> that a photographer had done it, however, it turned out that a state  
> that had no knowledge of the birds' presence had just been performing
> routine maintenance along a right-of-way. This doesn't change the intent  
> Andrew's post, but I just didn't want this incident to cause bad feelings
> and disenchantment about unspecified and non-existent evil-doers.
> Hugh
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Andrew Baksh <>
> wrote:
> > Good Morning All:
> >
> > Marshall Illiff, eBird Project Leader has given me permission to re-post
> > an e-mail submitted by him to the Maryland (MD) list serve, in response
> to
> > a discussion on the disturbance of Long-Eared Owls.  Marshall's response
> on
> > the MD list serve, highlights the understanding of eBird personnel on  
> > challenges faced by birders on the reporting of sensitive species and
> > discusses related changes coming soon to eBird to address this and other
> > reporting issues.
> >
> > I recommend reading Marshall's write-up in its entirety or at the very
> > least, read the end. I think you will find it gives hope for the
> continued
> > use of eBird for entering sensitive species, while protecting the birds
> we
> > love.
> >
> > Good and Responsible Birding!
> >
> > Andrew Baksh
> > Queens, NY
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Marshall Iliff <>
> > Date: Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 7:31 AM
> > Subject: Fwd: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls
> > To: Andrew Baksh <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Marshall Iliff <>
> > Date: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 11:26 AM
> > Subject: Re: [MDBirding] Re: Bad News--Disturbance of Long-eared Owls
> > To:
> >
> >
> > MDBirding,
> >
> > As many of you may know, I am an ex-Marylander, still have family in
> > Annapolis, and live now in Massachusetts. I feel quite nostalgic for my
> > home state, especially when I see how much Maryland has embraced eBird
> and
> > what a vibrant, curious, and interesting community of birders Maryland
> has,
> > as evidenced by discussions like this and others on MDBirding. The topic
> in
> > this case is an unfortunate one, but it is not one that is unique to
> > Maryland.
> >
> > I think Bill, Matt and others have provided some great comments and
> > guidance for this issue in general. I'd like to specifically address
> where
> > eBird is on this. You can consider this the "eBird corporate" stance, if
> > you will, as Bill is fond of saying :-).
> >
> > First, the issue of sensitive species is one that has been on our radar
> > screen for a long time at the Cornell Lab as we have tried to grow  
> > There has always been tension between the two ideas that have been
> > mentioned: on the one hand, we want the birds that we love to be safe  
> > do not want actions by birders or photographers to negatively impact the
> > birds as they seek them out and enjoy them in the field; on the other
> hand,
> > we also firmly believe that the scientific value, usefulness as a tool
> for
> > birdwatchers, and, importantly, the conservation value of the bird
> > information in eBird is most helpful when birds are reported at the
> finest
> > (most specific) scale possible. Reporting a Scarlet Tanager sighting  
> > "Maryland" is not worthless, but not very informative. Reporting it as
> > "Anne Arundel County", is slightly better, and from the town of
> "Annapolis"
> > better still. Reporting it from the hotspot that represents the 80-acre
> > property on the South River starts to get even more specific and truly
> > valuable for understanding the relationship of the bird to the habitat  
> > was using, and this is what we hope most eBirders are doing. Obviously
> one
> > could report at even finer scales, maybe from the 20 acre woodland near
> > Forest Drive that is the actual habitat where 2-3 Scarlet Tanager
> > territories still persist; I could even do a stationary count at the
> exact
> > spot where I saw or heard the tanager. Our official eBird  
> > are "the finer scale the better" and if I divided my one-mile morning
> > birdwalks on this property into 50 sections of 100 ft each, that would
> be a
> > fantastic dataset. But no one has the time to do that, so our general
> rule
> > is try to keep your traveling counts to five miles or less, try to  
> > from the most accurate location possible and try to use established
> > hotspots when possible. If you are willing to establish a route of point
> > counts or short transects and survey those regularly, eBird welcomes
> that,
> > but many of us are busy. Those that submit from "Blackwater NWR" or
> > "Assateague National Seashore" are still providing very valuable data,
> even
> > if the traveling counts are apt to be long and those hotspots represent
> > large areas.
> >
> >  So with that stance that we want fine-scale reports, how then can we
> > balance the very real problems with sensitive species?
> >
> > I should say at the outset, that the Maryland eBird reviewers, and Bill
> in
> > particular, have regularly been very helpful to those of us at "eBird
> > Central" to defining policies on sensitive species. Recognizing that  
> > cases are rare, we also have to acknowledge that serious ethical (or
> legal)
> > breaches *do* occur. A short list of the sensitive species problems that
> > eBird users have been involved with include: failure to follow
> established
> > protocol for access to birding sites; trespassing on private personal
> > property; trespassing on federal property; visitation of highly
> restricted
> > scientific research stations involved in the study and protection of
> > Endangered species; disturbance of rare/sensitive species; and even, at
> > least once, targeted hunting (successfully) rare ducks reported via
> eBird.
> > Of course, the recent Long-eared Owl issue may be connected to eBird as
> > well.
> >
> > Although these examples are all rare, they are also very concerning.
> While
> > eBird is not really directly responsible for the unethical or illegal
> > actions of a very small minority of inconsiderate
> > birders/photographers/hunters, eBird does have great responsibility as
> the
> > gatekeepers to an unprecedented database (now 120 million records and
> > growing) on bird occurrence and distribution. We work hard to make the
> > information free and available, but we need to do this responsibly.
> >
> > We are at a point now where the old methods -- entrusting birders to
> > report responsibly and understand the nuances of site specificity and  
> > myriad output tools in eBird -- simply is no longer tenable. We are  
> > of the enthusiasm around eBird Rarity Alerts and eBird Needs Alerts, but
> we
> > also see the danger with instantly feeding out "needed" birds in ways
> that
> > can't be controlled. Bachman's Warblers are presumed extinct, but if a
> > Bachman's Warbler is found in the Great Dismal Swamp in April 2013 and
> > reported with site specific directions on eBird, those details will
> > literally be available to the entire community of eBird users--even  
> > without accounts--within an hour. While this is also true of a listserv
> > posting, I think we can all agree that if a single pair of Bachman's
> > Warblers remains in the world, the best thing for that species' survival
> > may *not* be to have birders know about it. Even if 99.9% of us are
> > respectful, I can pretty much guarantee that some birders will sneak in,
> > disobey rules, play tape to the pair, try to find the nest, and stalk
> both
> > male and female relentlessly for photos. While I understand that
> impulse, I
> > worry about eBird's role in adding to the pressure for rare and  
> > species simply through providing 21st century era information exchange.
> > While we inherently believe that information exchange is good in almost
> all
> > cases, all of us should think first before putting any bird information
> out
> > on the internet (eBird or listservs), just in case it is one of those
> rare
> > cases where it may cause more harm than good.
> >
> > To that end, eBird is committed to revising the tools available to hide
> or
> > obscure reports. This will almost certainly involve better tools for a
> > user, that allow one to hide a specific observation from eBird output
> > (currently one can only hide an entire checklist) or to hide or obscure  
> > specific personal location. For mapped output, we also expect to
> implement
> > a structure whereby some species of high concern will be automatically
> > "blurred". Once this is implemented, we will recommend that the Maryland
> > editor team "blur" Long-eared Owls. This would mean that anyone can
> report
> > Long-eared Owl from Maryland when they find one, but it will not be
> > possible to find the specific information via eBird output tools. We may
> > even need a way to obscure the reporter of such birds, so that that
> > individual is not hounded by others saying "I know you had a Long-eared
> > Owl, tell me where. Tell Me Where! TELL ME WHERE!!!!"
> >
> > We hope and expect this "blurring" will be used only in very very few
> > cases, but when species are truly sensitive and their very safety may be
> at
> > risk from birder attention, we simply have to modify eBird to protect
> them.
> > This is especially critical in the United Kingdom. Last time I visited I
> > was taken to see raptor species in one of the last locations for the
> > species in the country. To make sure that I didn't put the bird at risk
> (by
> > reporting to eBird), I was told stories about egg collectors who learned
> of
> > another location, snuck in past wardens assigned to protect the birds,
> > found the nest, and stole the entire clutch. Thankfully this type of
> > behavior is rare to nonexistent in the U.S., but I have heard of goshawk
> > and Peregrine nests being raided by falconers, so American birds are
> indeed
> > at risk from similar activity.
> >
> > I am posting not to address this specific situation, but simply to plant
> a
> > flag that eBird will deal with this issue comprehensively in the near
> > future (for us that means within the year, or so), and that in the
> meantime
> > we would like to stress again that birders that use eBird (by the way,
> > thank you for reporting to eBird!) think about what cases you may need  
> > modify your reporting for the bird's benefit. I know Bill and others  
> > posted it here before, but our story on the topic does address the
> > important cases and how to approach them:
> >
> >
> > If you made it this far, thanks for reading, and thanks for your support
> > of eBird. I'll post a more lighthearted followup.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Marshall Iliff
> > eBird Project Leader
> > West Roxbury, MA
> > miliff AT
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 8:51 AM, world oceans <
> >wrote:
> >
> >> This is a good dialogue on a very important topic. Thank you, Bill,
> >> for your informative discussion of this . I don't know which is more
> >> disturbing , the disregard for owls' welfare or the ego-  driven
> >> animosity that surfaces too often among birders . As a person who has
> >> loved and studied owls all my life, I can tell you that many birders
> >> want to see owls so much, they will do almost anything to make that
> >> happen. The bottom line which we all must remember is that the birds'
> >> well-being is ALWAYS more important than our lists or selfish desires
> >> -- no exceptions, no excuses, no 'it wont matter just this once '
> >> justifications.
> >>
> >> James Gibson
> >> Silver Spring
> >>
> >> On 2/6/13, jflowers <> wrote:
> >> > On Tuesday, February 5, 2013 10:00:24 PM UTC-5, Bill Hubick wrote:
> >> >> All,
> >> >>
> >> >> I received a highly troubling report today that a known
> >> >> Long-eared Owl roost site has been seriously disturbed. It appears
> >> >> someone has cut branches from the roost tree to allow for better
> >> >> photography. The cuts were fresh, only on the roost tree, and  
> >> >> not part of a larger park maintenance effort. At least one of the
> >> >> branches cut was described as being nearly the width of the
> observer's
> >> >> arm.
> >> >>  Horrible.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> The topic of sensitive species has received some recent discussion,
> >> >> with the more vocal parties being on the "why is information being
> >> >> suppressed?" side. Unfortunately, unacceptable events like this one
> >> have
> >> >>  happened many times before. It is the significantly increased risk
> of
> >> >> events like this that makes open discussion of sensitive species so
> >> >> dangerous. In most cases, it's not a problem if
> >> >>  a few more respectful people observe from a distance. However, as
> >> >> traffic increases, the likelihood of poor behavior drastically
> >> >> increases. One could argue that education is the key ("don't keep it
> >> >> secret | tell people how to behave"), but people who do something
> like
> >> >> this aren't just lacking mentoring. The changes in the communication
> of
> >> >> bird sightings in the last five years can hardly be overstated. We
> >> have a
> >> >>  primary list-serve at record-setting membership that is  
> >> by
> >> >>  many new members. We have a Maryland Facebook page attracting many
> new
> >> >> and enthusiastic people. We are also one of the states with the most
> >> >> comprehensive eBird buy-in in the country. And eBird, of course, has
> >> >> fundamentally changed how we share our sightings, with the various
> >> >> hourly "needs" alerts that are so popular certainly factoring in
> >> heavily
> >> >>  in these cases. These are all very good things, and I actively
> >> >> support all of them. The wider net is a great thing and is not
> >> >>  going away. That said, these technological changes certainly have a
> >> lot
> >> >> to do
> >> >> with the increased attention these Long-eared Owls have received.
> >> >> Balancing transparency and sensitivity is going to remain a
> challenge,
> >> >> and self-policing what is shared, when, and how needs to be further
> >> >> considered.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> This list-serve just yesterday amended its guidelines to explicitly
> >> >> state that locations for Long-eared Owls are not allowed. I am a
> >> >> Maryland eBird reviewer and I personally lean toward hiding all
> >> specific
> >> >>  locations for LEOW there as well. However, I must discus that
> opinion
> >> >> as part of a team and with input from corporate eBird. This is far
> >> from a
> >> >>  black-and-white issue. The "we can't protect it if we don't know
> it's
> >> >> there" argument is sound. But how do you balance that with "we know
> >> >> we're not protecting them when we're sawing @#$#*% branches off  
> >> >> roost trees"? So as a reviewer, I assure you we will revisit this
> >> topic.
> >> >>  In the mean time, remember that eBird is a
> >> >>  public communication tool like this list-serve. You can make
> decisions
> >> >> to use the "hide" functionality, to report such species at the  
> >> >> level, and so on. More importantly, you can encourage others to do
> the
> >> >> same. Whatever suggestions you make, please do so politely. There
> have
> >> >> been some barbs thrown recently that were unwarranted. This
> list-serve
> >> >> wants productive discussion of such topics, but will cut off any
> >> threads
> >> >>  that turn into flame wars.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Our growth as a nature study community only matters if we find ways
> to
> >> >> harness it for good things. Let's find ways to do so.
> >> >>
> >> >> Bill
> >> >>
> >> >> Bill Hubick
> >> >> Pasadena, Maryland
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > This is truly annoying Bill! However, are you sure it was a
> photographer
> >> > that did this?  It might and does make sense, but pinning that on a
> >> > photographer unless knowing this for sure might be jumping the gun a
> >> bit. No
> >> > matter who the culprit was he or she needs to be educated as to the
> >> > sensitivity of this species.
> >> >
> >> > My concern for your diagnoses is that there is already enough
> animosity
> >> > between birders and photographers as it is. I say this with concern  
> >> I am
> >> > both a birder and an avian photographer and I have witnessed rudeness
> >> and
> >> > bad behavior by both birders and photographers more than I care to
> >> admit.
> >> >
> >> > I remember several occasions last year sitting in my car on a little
> but
> >> > well known road in western Maryland with a camera and 800mm lens on a
> >> bean
> >> > bag in my window while a few large groups of birders were stomping
> down
> >> the
> >> > breeding habitat of Golden-winged Warblers. I was so angry you could
> >> have
> >> > fried an egg with my breath.
> >> >
> >> > But I will say that I'm sorry that someone wanted a look or a
> >> photograph of
> >> > this species without any concern for it. There is no excuse for that!
> We
> >> > needd to better police our fellow birders and photographers.
> >> >
> >> > JIm
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> Group
> >> > 'Maryland & DC Birding'.
> >> > To view group guidelines or change email preferences, visit this  
> >> on
> >> > the web at
> >> > Posts can be sent to the group by sending an email to
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > ****************************
> > Marshall J. Iliff
> > miliff AT
> >  West Roxbury, MA
> > ****************************
> > eBird/AKN Project Leader
> >
> >
> >
> > Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> > Ithaca, NY
> > ****************************
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > ****************************
> > Marshall J. Iliff
> > miliff AT
> > West Roxbury, MA
> > ****************************
> > eBird/AKN Project Leader
> >
> >
> > Cornell Lab of Ornithology
> > Ithaca, NY
> > ****************************
> >
> > --
> > *NYSbirds-L List Info:*
> > Welcome and Basics <>
> > Rules and Information <>
> > Subscribe, Configuration and Leave<
> > *Archives:*
> > The Mail Archive<
> > Surfbirds <>
> > BirdingOnThe.Net <>
> > *Please submit your observations to **eBird*<
> > *!*
> > --
> >
> --
> Hugh McGuinness
> Washington, D.C.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Varied Thrush- Prospect Park
> From: Robert Bate <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 09:16:59 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 3
> Kier Randall just tweeted this confiming a tentative sighting yesterday.
>  Nethermead bridge spans the creek thru the Ravine on Center Drive.  Just
> look for the birders!
> @BBCKingsbirds: VARIED THRUSH confirmed per keir. Spot at yew tree north
> stairs Nethermead Br
> Rob Bate
> Brooklyn
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Varied Thrush
> From: Robert Bate <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 10:11:07 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 4
> Refound just south of Neathermead Arch.  Next to same area as before
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: VARIED THRUSH in Prospect Park ( Kings)
> From: <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 10:16:11 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 5
> VARIED THRUSH  (VATH ) confirmed per Keir Randall. Spot at yew tree north
> stairs Nethermead Bridge.I also saw the bird shortly afterward
> Go to the north path that leads to stairs on the north side of the
> Nethermead Three Arches Bridge , where the path  curves, behind the fence
> in brush, near the Yew Tree, a male adult VARIED THRUSH with other winter
> birds feeding on the ground where snow hasn't fully covered.
> Update: Rob Jett just reported the VATH perched above Nethermead Arches,
> at 1005 am.
> Many thanks to Mark Salvadalena from Washington State for reporting to me
> the bird. EXCITING !  (first such bird for Prospect )
> Peter Dorosh
> Brooklyn Bird Club
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Brooklyn Varied Thrush follow-up
> From: Rob Jett <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 12:08:50 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 6
> The Varied Thrush that was first spotted in Prospect Park late yesterday
> was relocated this morning. It was subsequently seen by myself and several
> other birders throughout the morning. I have created a Google map of the
> area where it has been frequenting here:
> The bird, which appears to be an adult male, seems to be restricting its
> foraging to a wooded area directly adjacent to the bridge known as "The
> Nethermead Arches" along Center Drive. While we did see it once near the
> steep ridge on the South side of the bridge, it seems to prefer the wooded
> hillside just on the North side. If you are walking through the Ravine
> towards the Nethermead Meadow, you will see a flight of stairs on your
> right that leads towards Center Drive. At the top of the stairway is a yew
> tree. He was observed feeding on the ground below that tree several times.
> He also moves a short distance South-West of that spot, but only as far as
> the footpath that ascends towards the Fallkill Falls. There are dozens of
> robins in the area, but he doesn't seem to really associate with them and
> sticks to feeding within the edges of the woods.
> If you come by car, probably the most direct route is to park near
> Prospect Park Southwest and 16th Street. Walk straight in at 16th and to
> Center Drive. Continue walking until you reach the bridge.
> Good birding,
> Rob
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Varied Thrush - Prospect Park
> From: Robert Bate <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 12:22:56 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 7
> Photo of Prospect Park Varied Thrush.  Better pictures sure to follow.
> Rob Bate Brooklyn
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: Varied Thrush, Brooklyn
> From: Tom Fiore <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 12:36:28 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 8
> Thanks to Rob B, Rob J, Keir R, Peter D and all, a great find for Prospect
> Park.
> Should anyone happen to hear this Varied Thrush sing, or vocalize, please
> add to your reports (and that could apply to any birds, as some observers
> are keenly interested in sound as well as sighting the bird.  enjoy,
> Tom Fiore
> Manhattan
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Re: Brooklyn Varied Thrush follow-up
> From: Juan Salas <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 14:46:13 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 9
> I have uploaded three pictures of the Varied thrush taken around noon.
> Thank you to Peter Dorosh for the excellent directions.
> Best regards and good birding
> Juan Salas
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Rob Jett <>
> wrote:
> > The Varied Thrush that was first spotted in Prospect Park late yesterday
> > was relocated this morning. It was subsequently seen by myself and
> several
> > other birders throughout the morning. I have created a Google map of the
> > area where it has been frequenting here:
> >
> >
> >
> > The bird, which appears to be an adult male, seems to be restricting its
> > foraging to a wooded area directly adjacent to the bridge known as "The
> > Nethermead Arches" along Center Drive. While we did see it once near the
> > steep ridge on the South side of the bridge, it seems to prefer the
> wooded
> > hillside just on the North side. If you are walking through the Ravine
> > towards the Nethermead Meadow, you will see a flight of stairs on your
> > right that leads towards Center Drive. At the top of the stairway is a
> yew
> > tree. He was observed feeding on the ground below that tree several
> times.
> > He also moves a short distance South-West of that spot, but only as far
> as
> > the footpath that ascends towards the Fallkill Falls. There are dozens  
> > robins in the area, but he doesn't seem to really associate with them  
> > sticks to feeding within the edges of the woods.
> >
> > If you come by car, probably the most direct route is to park near
> > Prospect Park Southwest and 16th Street. Walk straight in at 16th and to
> > Center Drive. Continue walking until you reach the bridge.
> >
> > Good birding,
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > NYSbirds-L List Info:
> ><
> ><
> ><
> >
> > 1)
> > 2)
> > 3)
> >
> > Please submit your observations to eBird:
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Varied Thrush - Prospect Park, Bklyn.
> From: Elizabeth D Poole <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 15:49:14 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 10
> The adult Varied Thrush was seen again by four observers in the vicinity
> of the Yew tree near the Nethermead Arches from about 2:10 - 2:15 this
> afternoon. At about that time, the bird flushed to cover and most of the
> ground foraging birds in the area went quiet. A Red-Tailed Hawk perched
> nearby was the probable cause. The bird did not reappear in the following
> half hour.
> Bob Gochfeld
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Photos of Varied Thrush
> From: Juan Salas <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 16:09:13 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 11
> Sorry for the cross-posting. I have uploaded three photos of the Varied
> thrush taken near the yew tree off the path west of the Nethermead Bridge
> at noon today, unfortunately no vocalizations heard.
> Good brding.
> Juan Salas
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: Spring Shorebird Migration Volunteers Needed
> From: "Dikun, Kerri" <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 21:16:18 +0000
> X-Message-Number: 12
> Audubon New York is seeking volunteers to conduct International Shorebird
> Surveys during spring migration on Long Island.  We are looking for data
> from the following sites:
> 1 - Cupsogue Beach County Park
> 2 - Pike's Beach
> 3 - Dune Road Marshes
> 4 - Shinnecock Inlet
> 5 - Mecox Inlet
> 6 - Sagaponack Pond
> Survey dates are as follows:
> April 5th, 15th, 25th
> May 5th, 15th, 25th,
> June 5th, 15th
> If you are able to cover one site for all of the survey dates that would
> be most helpful to us, however, if you can't commit to all the surveys we
> would welcome any reports that you can supply. Splitting survey dates  
> various birders is also welcome.
> Data forms and survey protocol can be downloaded at
>  Please read through
> protocol and data sheet carefully before performing surveys.
> If you are interested in participating or have any questions please
> contact Kerri Dikun at<>.
> Thanks!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: BirdCallsRadio Update!
> From: Mardi Dickinson <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 17:38:43 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 13
> Birders et al,
> There have been some changes and developments at BirdCallsRadio.
> Cheers,
> Mardi Dickinson
> Norwalk, CT
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject: NYC Area RBA: 8 March 2013
> From: Ben Cacace <>
> Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2013 20:43:24 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 14
> - RBA
> * New York
> * New York City, Long Island, Westchester County
> * Mar. 8, 2013
> * NYNY1303.08
> - Birds mentioned
> PINK-FOOTED GOOSE+ (Orange County, New York)
> (+ Details requested by NYSARC)
> Greater White-fronted Goose
> Cackling Goose
> Red-necked Grebe
> Northern Gannet
> Piping Plover
> Iceland Gull
> Lesser Black-backed Gull
> Razorbill
> White-winged Crossbill
> Pine Siskin
> - Transcript
> If followed by (+) please submit documentation of your report
> electronically and use the NYSARC online submission form found at
> You can also send reports and digital image files via email to
> If electronic submission is not possible, hardcopy reports and photos or
> sketches are welcome. Hardcopy documentation should be mailed to:
>         Gary Chapin - Secretary
>         NYS Avian Records Committee (NYSARC)
>         486 High Street
>         Victor, NY 14564
> Hotline: New York City Area Rare Bird Alert
> Number: (212) 979-3070
> To report sightings call:
> Tom Burke (212) 372-1483 (weekdays, during the day)
> Tony Lauro at (631) 734-4126 (Long Island)
> Compiler: Tom Burke, Tony Lauro
> Coverage: New York City, Long Island, Westchester County
> Transcriber: Ben Cacace
> Greetings. This is the New York Rare Bird Alert for Friday, March 8th 2013
> at 7pm. The highlights of today's tape are VARIED THRUSH, GYRFALCON,
> WIGEON, BLACK-HEADED GULL and pelagic trip results including COMMON MURRE.
> On Thursday a male VARIED THRUSH was found in Prospect Park and was still
> present there today. The thrush has been near the Nethermead's Three  
> Bridge in the center of the park mostly along the wooded slope on the  
> side of the bridge especially on some snow free ground near a Yew Tree.
> Hopefully it will be relocated there tomorrow.
> The subadult gray morph GYRFALCON seen nicely last weekend and again  
> with a report also on Tuesday along the marshes north of Gilgo has
> unfortunately not been noted since. Negative news previously though had  
> signaled its departure as it did reappear so it may not be gone yet. The
> GYRFALCON has favored the marshy islands just north of the Gilgo parking
> lot often sitting on the Osprey platform slightly to the northwest but it
> has also ranged east as far as Cedar Beach Marina as well as west of that
> location. Most frequently though it has been spotted from the Gilgo  
> lot.
> A pelagic trip last Saturday from Freeport aboard the Captain Lou Fleet's
> Star Stream VIII got out about 40 miles and recorded 150 NORTHERN GANNETS,
> 36 COMMON MURRES, 18 RAZORBILLS, 13 large alcids, 3 ICELAND GULLS and 4
> Some of the more unusual waterfowl do continue in the area. The drake
> TUFTED DUCK was still at Heckscher Park in Huntington to Wednesday this
> park off Route 25A and Park Avenue and the second drake continued at
> Blydenburgh Park south of Route 25 in Smithtown at least to Sunday. A
> female BARROW'S GOLDENEYE was still with Commons in Fire Island Inlet off
> Cedar Beach as of Monday and another female was spotted off the north  
> of Long Island at Caumsett State Park last Saturday. The Riverhead area's
> ROSS'S GOOSE was seen again on Merritt's Pond in Riverhead last Sunday  
> an overnight roosting area and then on Wednesday it was picked up feeding
> with Canadas north of Sound Avenue near the end of Route 105. A CACKLING
> GOOSE was also at the latter site Sunday with a GREATER WHITE-FRONTED  
> also there Wednesday. Seven EURASIAN WIGEONS were counted Saturday on the
> pond at the West Sayville Golf Club just south of Montauk Highway at Route
> 27A these including 3 females. Up in Orange County the PINK-FOOTED GOOSE
> was last noted Sunday at the Camel Farm just west of Route 12 where a
> were also in that area on Sunday.
> Two BLACK-HEADED GULLS remain in the Montauk area but the immature seen at
> Ditch Plains and the adult at the south end of Lake Montauk off South Lake
> Drive both last Sunday. An ICELAND GULL was spotted again last Saturday on
> the Central Park reservoir with another still at Iron Pier in Northville  
> Sunday. A lingering RED-NECKED GREBE was still around the Captree State
> Park boat basin Monday and an arriving PIPING PLOVER was back at Point
> Lookout last Sunday. Some returning PINE SISKINS appeared in Prospect Park
> yesterday and some WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS are still in the area.
> To phone in reports on Long Island, call Tony Lauro at (631) 734-4126, or
> during the day except Sunday call Tom Burke at (212) 372-1483.
> This service is sponsored by the Linnaean Society of New York and the
> National Audubon Society. Thank you for calling.
> - End transcript
> ---


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