The highlight--however frustratingly brief--of a nearly 4-hour visit today at 
Lakeland County Park (Islandia) and adjoining Suffolk greenbelt, was the 
presence of at least one COMMON RAVEN.
I actually had two encounters. The first was with one bird briefly glimpsed 
through gaps in the trees, flying not far above the treetops. My initial 
impression at first glance was of a raptor based on size and wing length. A 
second, better look revealed a large corvid with a rounded/wedge-shaped tail 
tip, carrying an object in its bill. As it moved off it uttered two soft, 
gutteral calls. The second encounter came approximately 15 minutes later and 
~1/4 mile away when I heard several deep, resoundingly loud croaks from 
somewhere just to the east of the park. Unfortunately I never got a look at 
this bird (same individual as earlier sighting?), but the vocalizations were 
unmistakeable. Recalling a report not too long ago of 2 Ravens from the 
surrounding neighborhood, the prospect of local breeding seemed plausible. So 
when I got home I made a cursory search on GoogleMaps for water towers or other 
likely nesting sites within a reasonable radius of the park--without success. 
I'll try to go back in hope of getting better looks at the bird/s and the 
direction of their movement.   

I found another 40 species during during my visit, with a fair number of Spring 
migrants present, including Green Heron (1, photo), Eastern Phoebe (2), N. 
Rough-winged Swallow (2), Ruby-crowned Kinglet (14), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (1), 
Brown Creeper (3), Hermit Thrush (1), Palm Warbler (5), Yellow-rumped Warbler 
(6), and Eastern Towhee (2)


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