This morning I worked on the shrubs and plants around our condo and this
afternoon I relaxed at our communal pool. During this whole span of time I
continually checked the internet re: the Elegant Tern. After dinner, at ~
7:15 PM, I nonchalantly checked again, saw Jay McGowan's positive post, and
immediately found myself in a quandary...should I go for the bird at this
late hour ?

First, thank you Jay for the jolt ! Without taking time to dress properly,
I rolled, and by ~ 8:05 PM, had stopped to check out a group of shorebirds,
gulls, terns and skimmers that were feeding in the bay, close to the road,
near where the recent breeching occurred, just e/o Tiana Beach. My
attention was quickly directed to the only large tern in the mix,
and before it took flight, was able to see (binoculars only) it's long bill
(which drooped at the end) as well as it's big black head patch & crest. I
thought this could be the bird, but realized I hadn't seen it long enough
to be able to be sure...having never seen this species before. The tern
circled a few times, before heading west, with me in hot pursuit.

Making the bay side of Tiana Beach my first stop, I came upon Shai Mitra &
Pat Lindsay, who told me I had just missed the bird by minutes !  The
elegant had come from the east and continued on, possibly making Cupsogue
it's next destination. With this information, a bell went off, and in the
space of a few questions & answers, I was sure of what I had seen ! It
isn't every day when a dynamic duo, like Shai & Pat, can put your doubts to
rest - my sincere thanks !

The next time I chase a good bird and miss, the only word I'll have to say
to put the experience in proper perspective is...Jayshaipat !


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